Secure applications

This section has topics that tell you how to secure applications on Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes.

Topic Description
Enable TLS Ingress to a Space Ensure that all Ingress traffic into a Space is TLS encrypted using either a third party certificate authority (CA) or a self-signed certificate. Third-party CAs can be provided and integrated via Vault.
Enable mTLS communication between services Install Mutual TLS (mTLS) Capability
Create and manage mutation policies Use a mutation policy to edit Kubernetes resources when pods are deployed in your clusters.
Create and manage security policies Use security policies to manage the security setting in which deployed pods operate in your clusters.
Create a custom policy Create custom policies to implement business rules using templates that you define.
Create and manage image registry policies Define the registries from which images can be pulled for deployment in your managed namespaces.
Limit compute resources for a space Create a Space Resource Limit Policy to set a cap on compute spaces can consume.
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