This topic for developers gives you instructions about how to use the on-demand VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service for apps that run on VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs. Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service enables messaging between cloud-based servers, apps, and devices.

These procedures use the Cloud Foundry Command-Line Interface (cf CLI). You can also use Apps Manager to perform the same tasks using a graphical UI.

For general information, see Managing Service Instances with the cf CLI.


To use Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service with your TAS for VMs apps, you must:

  • Have an Ops Manager installation with Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service installed and listed in the Marketplace.
    For how to verify availability in the Marketplace, see Confirm Service Availability.
  • Have a Space Developer or Admin account on the TAS for VMs installation.
    For more information, see Manage Users and Roles.
  • Have a local machine with the following installed:
  • Log in to the org and space containing your app. For instructions, see Log in with the CLI.

Create Resilient Apps

Resilient apps are less likely to crash during downtime, such as when upgrading Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service. For how to create resilient apps, see the resiliency-workloads repository in GitHub.

Confirm Service Availability

For an app to use a service, the service must be available in the Marketplace for its space.

To confirm this availability:

  1. List the services that are available in the Marketplace:

    cf marketplace
  2. Verify that p.rabbitmq is in the service column. If it is, on-demand Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service is available. If it is not, ask your operator to install it.

    For example:

    $ cf marketplace
    Getting services from marketplace in org my-org / space my-space as
    service      plans         description
    p.rabbitmq   single-node   RabbitMQ service to provide dedicated instances of this high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker

Create a Service Instance

For an app to use a service, an instance of the service must exist in its space. On-Demand services are created asynchronously, not immediately. The watch command shows you when your service instance is ready to bind and use.

You can enable TLS and additional plug-ins using the cf create-service command. For instructions on how to modify the cf create-service command, see Enable TLS for Your Service Instance or Enable Optional Plug-ins below.

To create an instance of the on-demand Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service:

  1. See if there is an existing service by running:

    cf services

    Look for instances that have p.rabbitmq in the service column. If there is an existing instance that you want to use, skip to the Bind a Service Instance to Your App section below.

    For example:

    $ cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as
    name          service      plan                   bound apps    last operation
    my-instance   p.rabbitmq   single-node, plan-2                  create succeeded
  2. Create the service instance by running:

    cf create-service p.rabbitmq SINGLE-NODE SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME


    • SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME is a name you choose to identify the service instance. This name appears under name in the output from cf services.
    • SINGLE-NODE is the plan. You can replace it with any of the other plans listed in the Marketplace for the p.rabbitmq service.
  3. Verify that the process was successful by running:

    watch cf services

    If successful, last operation for your instance is reported as create succeeded.

    For example:

    $ cf create-service p.rabbitmq single-node my-instance
    Creating service my-instance in org my-org / space my-space as
    $ watch cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as
    name          service        plan           bound apps    last operation
    my-instance   p.rabbitmq     single-node                  create succeeded

    If you encounter an error, see Troubleshooting Instances.

Use Transport Layer Security (TLS)

The operator must enable TLS in the Security for On-Demand Plans tab before you can use this feature. For more information, see Configure Security.

To use TLS to secure communication between your app and a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance:

  1. Enable TLS for Your Service Instance
  2. If your app is written in Java or Spring, follow the steps in the Activate TLS for Java and Spring Apps section below. If it is not, follow the steps in Modifying Apps for TLS.

Enable TLS for Your Service Instance

If the operator has configured TLS to be optional, then follow the steps below to enable TLS on a service instance. If the operator has configured TLS to be enforced, then all service instances have TLS enabled and it is not necessary to follow the steps below. For more information, see Configure Security.

To configure TLS for your service instance:

Note If you enable TLS for a service instance, you can no longer connect to it without using TLS.

  1. Enable TLS by doing one of the following steps:

    • If you have already created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, update the service instance to use TLS by running:

      cf update-service MY-INSTANCE -c '{"tls": true}'

      Where MY-INSTANCE is the name you chose when you created your service instance.

    • If you have not created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, create one with TLS enabled by running:

      cf create-service p.rabbitmq PLAN MY-INSTANCE -c '{"tls": true}'


      • PLAN is the name of the deployment plan to use for this service instance
      • MY-INSTANCE is the name to give to the new service instance
  2. Verify that the process was successful by running:

    watch cf services

    If successful, the last operation for your instance is reported as create succeeded or update succeeded.

    For example:

    $ watch cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as OK name service plan bound apps last operation my-instance p.rabbitmq single-node create succeeded

Deactivate TLS for Your Service Instance

If the operator has configured TLS to be enforced, then all service instances have TLS enabled and it is not possible to deactivate TLS. If the operator has configured TLS to be optional or not configured, then follow the steps below to deactivate TLS on a service instance. For more information, see Configure Security.

  1. Deactivate TLS by doing one of the following:

    • If you have already created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, update the service instance by running:

      cf update-service MY-INSTANCE -c '{"tls": false}'

      Where MY-INSTANCE is the name you chose when you created your service instance.

    • If you have not created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, request a service instance with TLS deactivated by running:

      cf create-service p.rabbitmq PLAN MY-INSTANCE -c '{"tls": false}'


      • PLAN is the name of the deployment plan to use for this service instance.
      • MY-INSTANCE is the name to give to the new service instance.
  2. Verify that the process was successful by running:

    watch cf services

    If successful, the last operation for your instance is reported as update succeeded.

    For example:

    $ watch cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as OK name service plan bound apps last operation my-instance p.rabbitmq single-node update succeeded

Activate TLS for Java and Spring Apps

Note If your app is not written in Java or Spring, see Modifying Apps for TLS.

For an app to use TLS, you must update it to request encrypted communications when connecting to a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance. The procedure for updating your app depends on the app’s language and framework. Java and Spring apps automatically detect TLS.

To activate TLS for Java and Spring apps, do one of the following:

  • For apps that are not bound to an existing service instance, re-push the apps by running the cf push command.

  • For apps bound to an existing service instance, re-bind the apps as follows:

    1. Stop the app:

      cf stop APP-NAME
    2. Unbind the app from the service instance:

      cf unbind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME
    3. Re-bind the app to the service instance:

      cf bind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME
    4. Restart the app.

      cf restart APP-NAME

Note If the operator used a self-signed certificate, configure your app to use the same CA certificate and valid certificate and key.

Activate Optional Plug-ins

For a list of RabbitMQ plug-ins that are activated or deactivated by default in on-demand Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service instances, see RabbitMQ Server Plug-ins.

Note If a plug-in is deactivated by default, the operator must activate the plug-in for the platform before you can enable it on your service instances. For more information, see Enable Extra RabbitMQ Server Plug-ins.

You can activate plug-ins when you create a service instance or by updating an existing service instance. When activating more than one plug-in, specify all the plug-in names in the same command.

To activate plug-ins, run one of these commands, specifying the plug-ins as a configuration parameter in JSON:

  • When creating a service instance, run:


    Where the PARAMETER-AS-JSON key is the plug-in and the value is true.

    For example:

    $ cf create-service p.rabbitmq single-node myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_event_exchange": true } }'
    For example, when enabling more than one plug-in:
    $ cf create-service p.rabbitmq single-node myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_event_exchange": true, "rabbitmq_mqtt": true } }'
  • When updating an existing service instance, run:


    Where the PARAMETER-AS-JSON key is the plug-in and the value is true.

    For example:

    $ cf update-service myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_event_exchange": true } }'
    For example, when enabling more than one plug-in:
    $ cf update-service myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_amqp1_0": true, "rabbitmq_event_exchange": true } }'

Deactivate Optional Plug-ins

Note When creating a service instance, optional plug-ins are deactivated by default.

To deactivate plug-ins for an existing service instance:

  1. Run:


    Where the PARAMETER-AS-JSON key is the plug-in and the value is false.

    For example:

    $ cf update-service myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_event_exchange": false}}'
    For example, when deactivating more than one plug-in:
    $ cf update-service myservice -c '{ "plugins": { "rabbitmq_amqp1_0": false, "rabbitmq_event_exchange": false } }'

Collect Additional RabbitMQ Metrics in Loggregator

Note If you only use a Prometheus server to scrape your observed systems, you can skip these sections about configuring additional metrics.

RabbitMQ collects metrics and sends these to the Loggregator Firehose system for collation. For more information about metrics collected in Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service, see Monitoring and KPIs for Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service.

In Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service v2.0.11 and later, you can also configure your on-demand service instances to collect additional, more detailed metrics for specific vhosts or families of metrics. Collecting additional metrics uses more resources, but you can provide a query parameter that limits the information collected to objects of your choosing. For more information about this query parameter, see rabbitmq-server in GitHub.

Configure Service Instances to Collect Additional Metrics

To configure your service instance to collect additional metrics:

  1. Find the query parameter that suits your needs. You only require the query string, which is everything from the ? onwards.

    • If you are migrating metrics from Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service v1.x to v2.0, use the string:


      For more information, see RabbitMQ Detailed Metrics in Migrating Metrics from Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service v1.x to v2.0.

    • Otherwise, see rabbitmq-server in GitHub.
  2. Enable additional metric collection by doing one of the following steps:

    • If you have already created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, update the service instance to use your query parameter by running:

      cf update-service MY-INSTANCE -c '{"detailed_metrics_query": "YOUR-QUERY-PARAMETER"}'


      • MY-INSTANCE is the name you chose when you created your service instance.
      • YOUR-QUERY-PARAMETER is the query parameter you chose in the first step.

      For example:

      $ cf update-service my-service-instance -c '{"detailed_metrics_query": "?family=queue_coarse_metrics&family=queue_consumer_count"}'
    • If you have not created a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance, create one using your query parameter by running:

      cf create-service p.rabbitmq PLAN MY-INSTANCE -c '{"detailed_metrics_query": "YOUR-QUERY-PARAMETER"}'


      • PLAN is the name of the deployment plan to use for this service instance.
      • MY-INSTANCE is the name to give to the new service instance.
      • YOUR-QUERY-PARAMETER is the query parameter you chose in the first step.

      For example:

      $ cf create-service p.rabbitmq PLAN MY-INSTANCE -c '{"detailed_metrics_query": "?family=queue_coarse_metrics&family=queue_consumer_count"}'
  3. Verify that the process was successful by running:

    watch cf services

    If successful, the last operation for your instance is reported as create succeeded or update succeeded.

    For example:

    $ watch cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as OK name service plan bound apps last operation my-instance p.rabbitmq single-node create succeeded

Stop Collecting Additional RabbitMQ Metrics

To stop collecting these additional metrics:

  1. Update the service instance with an empty string for the detailed_metrics_query parameter by running:

    cf update-service MY-INSTANCE -c '{"detailed_metrics_query": ""}'

    Where MY-INSTANCE is the name you chose when you created your service instance.

Bind a Service Instance to Your App

For an app to use a service, you must bind it to a service instance. Do this after you push or re-push the app using cf push.

To bind an app to a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance:

  1. Run:



    • APP-NAME is the app you want to use the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance.
    • SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME is the name you supplied when you ran cf create-service.

    For example:

    $ cf bind-service my-app my-instance
    Binding service mydb to my-app in org my-org / space test as

Use the RabbitMQ Service in Your App

Apps running in TAS for VMs gain access to the bound service instances through an environment variable credentials hash called VCAP_SERVICES. An example hash is shown below:

  "p.rabbitmq": [{
    "label": "p.rabbitmq",
    "provider": null,
    "plan": "single-node",
    "name": "myservice",
    "tags": [
    "instance_name": "myservice",
    "binding_name": null,
    "credentials": {
      "dashboard_url": "",
      "hostname": "q-s0.rabbitmq-server.default.service-instance-62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7.bosh",
      "hostnames": [
      "username": "b5d0ad14-4352-48e8-8982-d5b1d257029f",
      "password": "tavk86pnnns1ddiqpsdtbchurn",
      "vhost": "62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7",
      "http_api_uri": "",
      "http_api_uris": [
      "protocols": {
	"amqp": {
	  "host": "q-s0.rabbitmq-server.default.service-instance-62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7.bosh",
	  "hosts": [
	  "password": "tavk86pnnns1ddiqpsdtbchurn",
	  "port": 5672,
	  "ssl": false,
	  "uri": "amqp://b5d0ad14-4352-48e8-8982-d5b1d257029f:tavk86pnnns1ddiqpsdtbchurn@q-s0.rabbitmq-server.default.service-instance-62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7.bosh/62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7",
	  "uris": [
	  "username": "b5d0ad14-4352-48e8-8982-d5b1d257029f",
	  "vhost": "62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7"
      "ssl": false,
      "uri": "amqp://b5d0ad14-4352-48e8-8982-d5b1d257029f:tavk86pnnns1ddiqpsdtbchurn@q-s0.rabbitmq-server.default.service-instance-62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7.bosh/62e5ab21-7b38-44ac-b139-6aa97af01cd7",
      "uris": [

Apps that have been bound to a service instance can read VCAP_SERVICES from their environment. To see the VCAP_SERVICES for an app, run cf env APP-NAME with the name of an app bound to the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service instance.

For more information about the environment variable VCAP_SERVICES, see RabbitMQ Environment Variables.

RabbitMQ Node Address Resolution

The hostnames field in VCAP_SERVICES contains a single hostname, even if there is more than one RabbitMQ node. BOSH DNS resolves the hostname to a list of the IP addresses of all the available RabbitMQ nodes. The order of the IP addresses rotates so that there is load balancing.

A RabbitMQ client can use the first IP address returned. If a node becomes unavailable, BOSH DNS removes it from the list of resolved IP addresses. Because of this, apps should not cache the IP addresses of the nodes, as the cache might become outdated. The Java buildpack automatically deactivates DNS caching.

Upgrade an Individual Service Instance

Important Before you individually upgrade service instances you must have cf CLI v6.46.0 or later.

You can use the cf update-service command to individually upgrade on-demand service instances to the latest version of Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service. When you upgrade a service instance, you do not need to rebind your app or service keys. However, when you upgrade a service instance the the RabbitMQ nodes are updated serially and are therefore unavailable one node at a time.

For more information about using cf update-service, see the Cloud Foundry CLI Reference Guide.

To upgrade a single service instance:

  1. Confirm that an upgrade is available for the service instance by running:

    cf services

    The upgrade is available when the upgrade available column in the output says yes.

    For example:

    $ cf services
    Getting services in org system / space system as admin...
    name         service     plan         bound apps  last operation    broker                     upgrade available
    my-instance  p.rabbitmq  single-node              create succeeded  dedicated-rabbitmq-broker  yes
  2. Upgrade the service instance by running:

    cf update-service SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME --upgrade
  3. When prompted, confirm that you want to upgrade.

Update a Service Instance

If you bind a new service or change the service bindings, you need to run cf restart to update the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable in the application container.

To restart your app:

  1. Run:

    cf restart-app APP-NAME

    Where APP-NAME is the app you want to use the updated service instance.

    For example:

    $ cf restart my-app

Pushing the new version of an app automatically restages and restarts the app on any service instances it is bound to.

Unbind a Service Instance From Your App

To stop an app from using a service it no longer needs, unbind it from the service instance.

To unbind a service instance from your app:

  1. Run:

    cf unbind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME


    • APP-NAME is the app you want to stop using the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance.
    • SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME is the name you supplied when you ran cf create-service.

    For example:

    $ cf unbind-service my-app my-instance
    Unbinding app my-app from service my-instance in org my-org / space my-space as

Delete a Service Instance

Note You cannot delete a service instance that an app is bound to.

To delete a service instance:

  1. Run:

    cf delete-service SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME

    For example:

    $ cf delete-service my-instance
    Are you sure you want to delete the service my-instance ? y
    Deleting service my-service in org my-org / space my-space as
  2. Verify that the service instance was deleted by running:

    watch cf service SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME

    and then wait for a Service instance not found error indicating that the instance no longer exists.

Create an Admin User for a Service Instance

If you want admin privileges for the RabbitMQ Management UI, you can create an admin user for a service instance and obtain user credentials that you can share with other app developers.

Both operators and app developers can use this procedure. For instructions, see Create an Admin User for a Service Instance.

Share Service Instances

To share service instances, your operator must enable the feature flag service_instance_sharing. You can then follow the Cloud Foundry documentation to share your service instances across Cloud Foundry orgs and spaces.

Access RabbitMQ Metrics for On-Demand Service Instances

To access metrics for Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instances, you can use Loggregator’s Log Cache feature with the Log Cache CLI plug-in. Log Cache is enabled by default.

To access metrics for on-demand service instances:

  1. Install the cf CLI plug-in by running:

    cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "log-cache"
  2. To access metrics for a service instance, run:


    Where SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME is the name of your service instance.

    For example:

    For more information about the metrics output, see

For more information about how to enable Log Cache and about the cf tail command, see Enable Log Cache.

Note The Log Cache CLI plug-in does not show metrics from on-demand service instances if the Prom Scraper Compatibility with Log Cache property in Global settings for on-demand plans is deactivated.

Federate Exchanges and Queues

You can federate exchanges and queues in Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service, just like in any other RabbitMQ deployment.

To federate exchanges and queues:

  1. Create a service key by following the instructions in Create an Admin User for a Service Instance. The output of the above procedure returns admin user credentials, along with other data.

  2. In the output from the above step, look for the uris array. It has the following pattern:

      "uris": [
    as seen in the below example.
    "uri": "amqp://",
    "uris": [
  3. Set up federation as usual, using the RabbitMQ Management UI or API, with the URIs found in the uris array you got from the step above.

    For instructions on federation, see the RabbitMQ documentation.

Shovel Exchanges and Queues

You can shovel exchanges and queues in Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service, just like in any other RabbitMQ deployment.

To shovel exchanges and queues:

  1. Create a service key by following the instructions in Create an Admin User for a Service Instance. The output of the above procedure returns admin user credentials, along with other data.

  2. In the output from the above step, look for the uris array. It has the following pattern:

      "uris": [
    as seen in the example below.
    "uri": "amqp://",
    "uris": [
  3. Set up shovel as usual, using the RabbitMQ Management UI or API, with the URIs found in the uris array you got from the step above.

    For shovel instructions, see the RabbitMQ documentation. Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service currently only supports Dynamic Shovels.

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