This topic for app developers gives you basic instructions for troubleshooting on-demand VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instances.

Techniques for Troubleshooting

See the following sections for troubleshooting techniques when using the Cloud Foundry Command-Line Interface (cf CLI) to perform basic operations on a Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance.

Basic cf CLI operations include create, update, bind, unbind, and delete.

Parse a Cloud Foundry (CF) Error Message

Failed operations (create, update, bind, unbind, delete) cause an error message. You can retrieve the error message later by running the cf CLI command cf service INSTANCE-NAME.

$ cf service myservice

Service instance: myservice
Service: super-db
Bound apps:
Plan: dedicated-vm
Description: Dedicated Instance
Documentation url:

Last Operation
Status: create failed
Message: Instance provisioning failed: There was a problem completing your request.
     Please contact your operations team providing the following information:
     service: redis-acceptance,
     service-instance-guid: ae9e232c-0bd5-4684-af27-1b08b0c70089,
     broker-request-id: 63da3a35-24aa-4183-aec6-db8294506bac,
     task-id: 442,
     operation: create
Started: 2017-03-13T10:16:55Z
Updated: 2017-03-13T10:17:58Z

Use the information in the Message field to debug further. Provide this information to Support when filing a ticket.

The task-id field maps to the BOSH task ID. For more information about a failed BOSH task, use the bosh task TASK-ID.

The broker-request-guid maps to the portion of the On-Demand Service Broker log containing the failed step. Access the broker log through your syslog aggregator, or access BOSH logs for the broker by typing bosh logs broker 0. If you have more than one broker instance, repeat this process for each instance.

Retrieve Service Instance Information

  1. Log into the space containing the instance or failed instance:

    cf login
  2. If you do not know the name of the service instance, run cf services to see a listing of all service instances in the space. The service instances are listed in the name column, for example:

    $ cf services
    Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as
    name          service     plan           bound apps    last operation
    my-instance   p.rabbitmq  single-node                  create succeeded
  3. To retrieve more information about a specific instance, run:

  4. To retrieve the GUID of the instance, which is useful for debugging, run:

    cf service SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME --guid

Retrieve Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service Service Instance Credentials

To access the RabbitMQ Management UI for troubleshooting, create a new service-key to retrieve Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance credentials. VMware recommends that you use this key for troubleshooting only, and that you delete the key after troubleshooting.

Note If OAuth is enabled, you log in to the RabbitMQ Management UI using your TAS for VMs credentials. For more information, see Access RabbitMQ Management UI with OAuth Enabled.

To retrieve the credentials, do the following:

  1. Create a service-key for your Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service instance by running:

    cf create-service-key INSTANCE-NAME SERVICE-KEY-NAME
  2. Retrieve the credentials by running:

  3. Navigate to the RabbitMQ Management UI using the URL from the service key.

For example:

$ cf create-service-key my-rmq-instance my-key
Creating service key my-key for service instance my-rmq-instance as admin...
$ cf service-key my-rmq-instance my-key
Getting key my-key for service instance my-rmq-instance as admin...
  "dashboard_url": "https

To gain admin privileges for the RabbitMQ Management UI, create an admin user for a service instance and obtain user credentials that you can share with other app developers.

Both operators and app developers can use this procedure. See Create an Admin User for a Service Instance for more information.

Delete Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service Service Instances

The on-demand broker provides a BOSH command to delete all on-demand broker deployed service instances.

Caution This command deletes deployment instances serially. It is very destructive and cannot be undone.

To delete all on-demand service instances:

  1. Run:

    bosh run-errand delete-sub-deployments

Knowledge Base (Community)

Find the answer to your question and navigate product discussions and solutions by searching Broadcom Support.

File a Support Ticket

You can file a support ticket here. Include the error message from cf service YOUR-SERVICE-INSTANCE.

To expedite troubleshooting, provide your service broker logs, service instance logs, and BOSH task output. Your cloud operator can obtain these from your error message.

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