Welcome to Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation. You can use the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA offering if you want to use Tanzu RabbitMQ in Virtual Machine environments.
OVA formats offer the following advantages:
For more information on OVF and OVA file formats and templates and the benefits of using them, go to OVF and OVA File Formats and Templates in VMware's vSphere documentation.
The Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA (Virtual Machine) includes the popular Open Source RabbitMQ (but without the operators) messaging and streaming solution, the Erlang runtime, the Photon OS, and other dependencies as well as commercial plugins.
The Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA edition/offering has many great features, some of which include:
Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation is available in HTML. A HTML documentation set includes all updates for the latest release of Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA including updates for all patch releases. For example, version X.Y (where X is a major release and Y is a minor release) of the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation includes updates for all X.Y.Z releases (where Z is a patch/maintenance release).
Use the navigation on the left to browse through this documentation. This HTML documentation set also comes in PDF format, which you can access by selecting the Download PDF icon on any page in the HTML documentation. This icon is also located on the navigation on the left.
All previous releases of Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation are available in PDF format only, which is also available from the navigation on the left.
For detailed information about what is included in a specific version of Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA, down to the maintenance/patch release level, the Release Notes is the recommend place to go first. The release notes include detailed information about the latest released features, functions, and packages included in the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA version that you are running.
You can also avail of documentation for the Open Source RabbitMQ product. As the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA offering is built from the open source RabbitMQ product, open source RabbitMQ documentation is a core part of the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation set. When you are using the Tanzu RabbitMQ OVA documentation, you will be redirected to open source documentation as required.
For more information or to get a quote, visit the Tanzu RabbitMQ Product Page.