This topic tells you how to migrate from a MySQL for PCF v1 database to a VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service v2.x database for your VMware Tanzu Service Broker for AWS.

If your Service Broker for AWS is configured to use the MySQL for PCF v1 tile, VMware recommends migrating your data to a VMware SQL with MySQL for Tanzu Application Service database.

Doing this migration reduces dependency on v1 as users move to v2, and prepares you to use TLS (encryption) for AWS services.


To complete a database migration, you must have the following:

  • The latest Cloud Foundry CLI

  • Cloud Foundry credentials to access the org and space of the Service Broker for AWS

Install the MysqlTools Plug-in

You can use the MysqlTools plug-in to migrate your data.

  1. Install the MysqlTools plug-in using the following command:

    cf install-plugin -f -r CF-Community "MysqlTools"
  2. Verify that the plug-in is installed using the following command:

    cf mysql-tools -h

Check the status of the broker

  1. Log in to your Cloud Foundry deployment:

    cf login

    The broker is deployed in the system org in the iaas-brokers space.

  2. Target this space and verify that you see the broker.

    cf target -o system -s iaas-brokers

    Expected output:

    api endpoint:
    api version:    2.94.0
    user:           admin
    org:            system
    space:          iaas-brokers
  3. Check the state of the broker by running:

    cf app MY-BROKER-NAME

    For example:

    $ cf app aws-services-broker
    Showing health and status for app aws-services-broker in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
    name:              aws-services-broker
    requested state:   started
    instances:         2/2
    usage:             64M x 2 instances
    last uploaded:     Wed 17 Jul 22:57:04 UTC 2024
    stack:             cflinuxfs3
    buildpack:         go_buildpack
         state     since                  cpu    memory         disk          logging         cpu entitlement   details
    #0   running   2024-07-17T22:57:22Z   0.0%   12.4M of 64M   47.4M of 1G   0B/s of 16K/s   2.4%
    #1   running   2024-07-17T22:57:22Z   0.0%   12.5M of 64M   47.4M of 1G   0B/s of 16K/s   2.4%
  4. You might also see your MySQL for PCF v1 database instance bound to the broker.

    cf services

    Expected output:

    Getting services in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
    name            service   plan    bound apps            last operation
    aws-broker-db   p-mysql   100mb   aws-services-broker   create succeeded

Stop the broker

After you verify the state of the broker, you can safely stop it and unbind the database.

  1. Stop the broker:

    cf stop MY-BROKER-NAME

    For example:

    $ cf stop aws-services-broker
    Stopping app aws-services-broker in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
  2. Unbind the database from the broker:


    For example:

    $ cf unbind-service aws-services-broker aws-broker-db

Migrate your data

Follow these steps to migrate your data.

  1. Determine which plan you want to use:

    cf marketplace -s p.mysql

    Expected output:

    Getting service plan information for service p.mysql as admin...
    service plan   description                                             free or paid
    db-small       This plan provides a small dedicated MySQL instance.    free
    db-medium      This plan provides a medium dedicated MySQL instance.   free
    db-large       This plan provides a large dedicated MySQL instance.    free
  2. Migrate your data by running:

    cf mysql-tools migrate SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME PLAN-TYPE

    For example:

    $ cf mysql-tools migrate aws-broker-db db-small
    2018/06/06 09:11:53 Creating new service instance "aws-broker-db-new" for service p.mysql using plan db-small
    2018/06/06 09:16:05 Unpacking assets for migration to /var/folders/qn/bxc0sm8j5dgcx260_4r3vr7w0000gn/T/migrate_app_335236385
    2018/06/06 09:16:05 Started to push app
    Done uploading
    2018/06/06 09:16:15 Successfully pushed app
    2018/06/06 09:16:16 Successfully bound app to v1 instance
    2018/06/06 09:16:18 Successfully bound app to v2 instance
    2018/06/06 09:16:18 Starting migration app
    2018/06/06 09:16:33 Started to run migration task
    2018/06/06 09:16:37 Migration completed successfully

    Note Take note of the Migration completed successfully message in the above example. This is the best available indication that the migration was successful. This message does not appear if the migration process was not successful.

  3. List the service instances by running:

    cf services

    The migration tool gives the old database the name SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME-old, for example:

    $ cf services
    Getting services in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
    name                service   plan       bound apps            last operation
    aws-broker-db-old   p-mysql   100mb                            update succeeded
    aws-broker-db       p.mysql   db-small                         update succeeded

Bind the new database

After migrating your data, bind the new database to the broker.

  1. Bind the new database to the broker:


    For example:

    $ cf bind-service aws-services-broker aws-broker-db
    Binding service aws-broker-db to app aws-services-broker in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
  2. Start the broker:

    cf start MY-BROKER-NAME

    For example:

    $ cf start aws-services-broker
    Starting app aws-services-broker in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...
    Waiting for app to start...
    name:              aws-services-broker
    requested state:   started
    instances:         2/2
    usage:             64M x 2 instances
    last uploaded:     Wed 17 Jul 22:57:04 UTC 2024
    stack:             cflinuxfs3
    buildpack:         go_buildpack
    start command:     bin/aws-services-broker
         state     since                  cpu    memory         disk          logging         cpu entitlement   details
    #0   running   2024-07-17T22:57:22Z   0.0%   12.4M of 64M   47.4M of 1G   0B/s of 16K/s   2.4%
    #1   running   2024-07-17T22:57:22Z   0.0%   12.5M of 64M   47.4M of 1G   0B/s of 16K/s   2.4%

Delete the old database

  1. Before deleting the old database instance, confirm that the broker behaves correctly by creating some new AWS service instances. Try binding these services to the v2 database. (You can delete these service instances after running this test.)

  2. After confirming that your data is migrated and the broker is running, delete the old database by running:

    cf delete-service -f SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME-old

    For example:

    $ cf delete-service -f aws-broker-db-old
    Deleting service aws-broker-db-old in org system / space iaas-brokers as admin...

(Optional) Update the Tile to reflect changes

Update the plan name in the Broker Config section of your tile to be consistent with the changes you made during migration.

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