You can change the cluster display name in the Tanzu Service Mesh Console and edit the configuration of a cluster to change the namespace exclusions defined for the cluster.

When you onboard a cluster, you provide a display name for the cluster. The cluster display name appears wherever data is displayed for the cluster in the Tanzu Service Mesh Console UI, including data tables and topology views. To change the cluster display name, you edit the cluster.

You can edit the cluster configuration to specify the namespaces on the cluster that you want to include for Istio sidecar injection. Include a namespace if you want the pods in that namespace to be part of the mesh. If you enable automatic Istio sidecar injection for a namespace, all new pods that are created in that namespace will automatically have a sidecar proxy added to them.

For more information about the namespace inclusion feature, called Namespace Onboarding Workflow, see Namespace Onboarding Workflow. For more information about sidecar proxy injection, also see the Istio documentation.


  • Access the Tanzu Service Mesh Console.

  • If you want to enable Tanzu Service Mesh only in some of the namespaces of the cluster, decide beforehand which namespaces you want to exclude from Tanzu Service Mesh.


  1. In the navigation panel on the left, click Home.
  2. On the Home page, click the Cluster Overview tab.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the card for the cluster that you want to edit, click the three vertical dots and then click Edit Cluster.

  4. In the Edit Cluster dialog box, in the Cluster Name box, enter a new display name for the cluster.

    The cluster display name cannot contain special characters, such as a number sign (#), at sign (@), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and uppercase letters.


    You cannot change the cluster ID.

  5. To specify that a cluster administrator will own the labeling of namespaces for Istio injection in the cluster, select the Cluster admin owned option. To be able to select namespaces for inclusion or define namespace inclusion rules for the cluster (see step 6), do not select Cluster admin owned.

    When you select the Cluster admin owned option, you delegate all responsibility for namespace labeling, including selection for inclusion, to the cluster administrator who operates the cluster. This makes the Select Namespaces and Create Namespace Inclusion Rule options in the Edit Cluster dialog box (see step 6) unavailable and no longer visible. For more information about the Cluster admin owned setting and how it affects namespace labeling, see Customer-Managed Namespace Labeling.


    When the Cluster admin owned option is selected for a cluster, Tanzu Service Mesh delegates namespace labeling to the cluster administrator, so labeling for sidecar injection will be performed with kubectl. In this case, Tanzu Service Mesh no longer owns namespace labeling on the cluster and does not have visibility into the actual namespace labeling state.

    If the Cluster admin owned option is deselected at a later stage, Tanzu Service Mesh may not have the most up-to-date state of labels on the namespaces. Consider the following example:

    1. A user selects the Cluster admin owned option for a cluster to delegate all responsibility for namespace labeling to the cluster administrator.

    2. The cluster administrator performs labeling on the cluster and sets istio-injection=enabled for a namespace on the cluster or removes a label that was previously set.

    3. If at a later stage the Tanzu Service Mesh administrator deselects the Cluster admin owned option for the cluster to return control over namespace labeling to Tanzu Service Mesh, the namespace inclusions list in the Edit Cluster dialog box for the cluster may not show the most up-to-date namespace inclusion state for Istio injection.

    If the Cluster admin owned option is deselected, it is up to the Tanzu Service Mesh administrator to make sure that the namespaces that need to be injected with sidecars are selected and that no labels have been accidentally removed by Tanzu Service Mesh due to lack of constant visibility of the labeling state.

    In a later release, a mechanism will be provided to reconcile the inclusions list when the ownership of namespace labeling is switched back and forth between Tanzu Service Mesh and the cluster administrator.

  6. Under Namespace Inclusions, specify the namespaces on the cluster that you want to include for automatic Istio sidecar injection.

    You can select namespaces for inclusion (the Select Namespaces option) or define namespace inclusion rules based on a namespace naming pattern (the Create Namespace Inclusion Rule option). For more information about these options, see Namespace Onboarding Workflow.

    You can include only the user-defined namespaces on the cluster. The system namespaces are automatically excluded from Istio sidecar injection.

    • Including a namespace for automatic Istio sidecar injection sets the istio-injection=enabled label on the namespace.

    • You can also define namespace inclusion rules for a cluster using the Tanzu Service Mesh API. For more information, see Define Namespace Inclusions in Tanzu Service Mesh API Programming Guide.


    If you don’t select any namespaces for automatic sidecar injection or create any namespace inclusion rules, Tanzu Service Mesh will not include any namespaces in the cluster.

  7. To save the changes, click Save.


The message Cluster {name} updated successfully appears in the lower-left corner of the Tanzu Service Mesh Console UI.

You can can view the current configuration of the cluster on the cluster details page. To view the cluster configuration:

  1. In the navigation panel on the left, click Home.

  2. On the Home page, click the Cluster Overview tab.

  3. Click the name of the cluster in its card.

  4. On the cluster details page, click the Configuration tab.

  5. To edit the configuration in the Edit Cluster dialog box, click Edit on the Configuration tab.