Using Per API analytics, you can view, filter, sort, and aggregate each API event data based on geo-locations, operational metrics, security threats, and performance statistics for presenting as correlated information.

Geo Location based Risks

Geo Location

Geo with PIIs:

  • Description. A world map that provides information about the locations from where this user sent out API requests with PII.

  • Graph View. The map chart depicts the access density of each compliance at different locations. Place the cursor at the respective country to view the access details.

  • Detailed View. Each tuple provides the following information:

    • Country.The country from where this user sent out the API request with PII data.

    • City. The city from where this user sent out the API request with PII data.

    • PII Count. The number of times this user sent out an API request with PII data.

Geos under Attacks:

  • Description. A world map that provides information about the locations that are sending this API request with PII accessed by this user.

  • Graph View/ Top View. The map chart depicts the density of each attack at different locations. to view the attack details, place the cursor at the respective country .

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists all the locations where the attacks are detected along with the following information:

  • Country. The country from where this user sent out the API request that was under attack.

    • City. The city from where this user sent out the API request that was under attack.

    • No of Access. The number of accesses that were under attack in each location.

    • APIs being accessed. The number of APIs that were under attack in each location.

Operational Metrics

Source Service:

  • Description. The Workloads Accessing API widget provides information about the workloads that accessed this service.

  • Graph View. The horizontal bar graph depicts the comparison of at most five workloads that accessed the service the most number of times.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view provides the following information:

    • Access Count. The number of times each workload accessed this service.

    • Access Rate. The average number of times each workload accessed this service.

    • Last Access Time. The time at which this service received the latest request from each workload.

    • Total APIs. The number of APIs this service received.

Top Users:

  • Description. The Top Users widget provides information about the application users.

  • Top View. The top view shows information about five users who accessed the application the most number of times.

  • Graph View. The line graph depicts the change in the number of times the user accessed the application.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view provides information about the top users detected within the application mesh. Each tuple provides the following information: a) The service that user accessed and, b) the number of times he accessed that service.

It facilitates the selection of at most five users for comparison performed with the help of graphs.

Response Codes:

If the transaction is not successful (resulting in 1xx, 4xx or 5xx response codes), the APIs participate in an endpoint deduplication only if there is already an endpoint with a successful response present in the schema cache. Else, it is ignored to prevent attackers from probing for random paths to pollute the OpenAPI document.

Top Errors:

  • Description. The Top Errors widget provides information about the errors that occurred during each API request.

  • Top View. The top view shows information about five errors that occurred the most number of times during the API request.

  • Graph View. The line graph depicts the change in the error occurrence count for each API over time.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view provides information about all the API requests for which errors occurred. For each API request, the table provides its response code, occurrence count, and occurrence rate information.

It facilitates the selection of at most five errors for comparison performed with the help of graphs.

Security Threats

Top Attacks:

  • Description. The Top Attacks widget provides information about the attacks that were tried to perform on this service.

  • Graph View. The pie chart depicts the comparison of attacks detected on this service based on its occurrence count.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists the attacks detected along with the following information:

    • Occurrence of Attacks. The number of times each attack detected on this service.

    • Rate of Attacks. The average number of times each attack detected on this service.

    • Latest Attack time. The time at which the latest attack was performed.

Top PII Types Detected:

  • Description. The Top PII widget provides information about the detected PII types in the API request while accessing this service.

  • Graph View. The horizontal bar graph depicts the comparison of at most five PII types that were detected the most number of times while accessing this service.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists the detected PII types along with the following information:

    • Occurrence Count. The number of times each PII type was detected.

    • Total Compliance Types. The number of Compliances under which each PII type falls.

    • Total APIs. The number of APIs with PII data were sent out to this service.

AuthN & AuthZ

  • Code. Response code for the HTTP/HTTPS requests.

  • Occurrence Count. The number of Authentication/Authorization failures observed in the API.

  • Occurrence Rate. The number of authentication/authorization failures per second.

  • Latest Access Time. Timestamp of the latest request.

Performance Statistics

Request Rate:

  • Description. The Request Rate widget provides information about the number of requests received by this service in a given stipulated time.

  • Graph View. The line graph depicts the change in the number of requests received over time.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists all the APIs that were received by this service. It also shows the number of times each API was received.

Average Latency:

  • Description. The Average Latency widget provides information about the average amount of time taken by the service to receive each API.

  • Graph View. The line graph depicts the change in latency of API out to this service over time.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists the APIs sent out to this service along with this latency information.

Average Request and Response Size:

  • Description. The Average Request & Response Size widget provides information about the size of all the API requests this service received along with its response size.

  • Graph View. The line graph depicts the change in the number of request and response sizes of this service over time.

  • Detailed View. The detailed view lists the APIs sent out to this service along with its request and response sizes.