As an application operator, you can make your organization's domains available for different DNS use cases in Tanzu Service Mesh, such as public services. To enable domains, you can must create DNS accounts on the DNS & Domains page.

When you create a DNS account, you specify the name of the external DNS provider that manages your organization's domains. The DNS provider name matches the name of the integration account that you have created for the provider. Tanzu Service Mesh uses the configuration in the integration account to connect to the DNS provider, get a list of the domains, and make them available for use in Tanzu Service Mesh. For more information about integration accounts, see Manage Integrations.

The DNS accounts that you create determine the domains that are available for selection when users configure public services in Tanzu Service Mesh. For more information about public services, see Create a Public Service.


Verify that:

  • You have created an integration account for your external DNS provider (for example, AWS). For more information about integration accounts, see Manage Integrations.

  • You are in the Tanzu Service Mesh Console. For information about accessing the Tanzu Service Mesh Console, see Access the Tanzu Service Mesh Console.


  1. On the navigation pane on the left, click Admin > DNS & Domains.
  2. On the DNS & Domains page, above the table, click New DNS Account.
  3. In the New DNS Account dialog box, provide the following information.
    • Name. The name for the account to help distinguish it from other accounts. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores (_) and cannot contain numbers and special characters, such as ampersands (&) and pound signs (#). It must contain a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 1,024 characters.

    • (Optional) Description. An optional description of the account.

    • Domain Provider. The external domain provider. Select the name of the integration account for the external DNS service (for example, AWS - my_dns_integration_account).

  4. Click Save.


The message DNS account created successfully appears in the lower-left corner of the Tanzu Service Mesh Console. The new DNS account is added to the table on the DNS & Domains page. To edit or delete the account, click the three vertical dots to the left of the account name in the table and click Edit or Delete on the menu.


If you use Route 53 as a DNS service, do not edit the health check configuration created by Tanzu Service Mesh in AWS and do not edit or delete the records and tags in the hosted zones that Tanzu Service Mesh created for your domains. Editing or deleting these Tanzu Service Mesh-created data can break DNS resolution and global load balancing for your application.