Using the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI, you can remove an object, such as a global namespace, or a policy, such as an access control policy, from the configuration in your Tanzu Service Mesh tenant.

To remove an object or a policy, you must run the appropriate CLI command. The CLI command includes the name of the manifest file that contains the configuration of the object or policy.


  • Install the CLI.

    Log in to the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI.

  • Make sure that you know the name of the manifest file with the configuration of the object or policy that you want to delete.

  • Make sure that the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI can access the local folder that contains the manifest file.

  • Make sure that the machine where the CLI is installed can access Tanzu Service Mesh SaaS.


  1. In a terminal window, change to the local folder that contains the manifest file.
  2. Run the following CLI command.
    tanzu sm delete -f {manifest YAML file}

    sm is the alias for the Tanzu Service Mesh plugin in the Tanzu CLI. You can replace sm with service-mesh. {manifest YAML file} is the name of the manifest YAML file that contains the configuration of the object or policy that you want to delete from Tanzu Service Mesh.


When the object or policy is deleted, the command returns {object} deleted or {policy} deleted in the output.

When a global namespace is deleted, the command returns several deleted lines for the different configurations that make up the global namespace.