Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator automatically manages the Tanzu Service Mesh components on onboarded clusters. You can use Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator to determine the health of the components on a cluster.

Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator is a component of Tanzu Service Mesh that is installed on a cluster during onboarding. When installed, Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator automatically performs the following operations on the cluster:

  • Installs the components of a Tanzu Service Mesh agent on the cluster. A Tanzu Service Mesh agent is an instance of the Tanzu Service Mesh software that runs on each onboarded cluster.

  • Redeploys missing agent components on the cluster. If an agent component was accidentally removed, Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator automatically recovers and redeploys the component.

  • Monitors the health of the agent components by periodically performing health checks and reporting on the health state of each component.

  • Removes the Tanzu Service Mesh components when the cluster is removed from Tanzu Service Mesh.

This topic contains instructions on how you can use Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator to determine the current health state of the agent components installed on your cluster. You can use the health state information provided by Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator for debugging and troubleshooting. You can also provide this information to the Tanzu Service Mesh team to help you with debugging.


Verify that the cluster where you want to determine the health of the installed Tanzu Service Mesh components is onboarded to Tanzu Service Mesh. For more information about onboarding a cluster, see Onboard a Cluster to Tanzu Service Mesh in Getting Started with VMware Tanzu Service Mesh.


  1. In a terminal window, run the following command.
    kubectl --context {cluster_name} -n vmware-system-tsm get tsmclusters.tsm.vmware.com tsm-client-cluster -o yaml

    Where {cluster_name} is the name of your cluster.

    In the output of the command, under components, the healthState field contains the health state determined by Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator for each component. The name field contains the name of the component.

    • A healthStateof Unknown is shown if Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator hasn't determined the health state yet. Unknown is also shown for the agent components that represent jobs, not long-running tasks, such as ecr-read-only--renew-token.

    • The state field for each component indicates the operational status of the component. If the state is other than OK, the health state may not be available. For example, if the state is Installing (the component is being installed on the cluster) or Upgrading (the component is being upgraded to a new version), Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Manager Operator cannot determine the health state of the component. Wait until the component is installed or upgraded and then rerun the command above to retrieve the health state.

  2. If the healthState of a component is Unhealthy, provide this health state to the Tanzu Service Mesh team to help diagnose and resolve the problem with the component.