Removing a cluster from Tanzu Service Mesh involves unregistering the cluster with its Tanzu Service Mesh SaaS server and uninstalling the Tanzu Service Mesh software components on the cluster. You can remove a cluster from Tanzu Service Mesh using the Tanzu Service Mesh CLI.



  1. To delete the registration YAML applied to the cluster during onboarding and thus unregister the cluster from Tanzu Service Mesh, run the following command.
    tanzu sm delete -f {cluster-registration-file-name}.yaml

    {cluster-registration-file-name}.yaml is the name of the registration YAML file.

    The output contains a message that the cluster was deleted.

  2. To verify that the cluster was successfully unregistered from Tanzu Service Mesh, run the following command.
    tanzu sm get cluster {cluster-id} | yq  .status

    null in the output of the command indicates the cluster was successfully unregistered.


    Because unregistering the cluster takes a few minutes, run the command until you see null in the output.

  3. To remove the Tanzu Service Mesh components from the cluster, run the following command.
    kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f https://{SaaS-server-host-name}/cluster-registration/k8s/client-cluster-uninstall.yaml

    {SaaS-server-host-name} is the host name in the URL of the Tanzu Service Mesh server with which the cluster was registered during onboarding.

    For example, if the cluster was registered with a server at, run:

    kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f