Sample Web Server Deployment
A set of example YAML files are created for your first deployment. This deployment can be used to test VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator simply by amending them and committing them to your Git repository.
This example uses metallb as a load balancer to provide network services to a simple "Hello Keswick" web server.
Clone or download the files from this repository.
Edit the metallb.yaml and change the last line to provide some IP addresses, which can be used on your network to host the web server.
Commit both files to your Git repository that you created for your deployment. The "Hello Keswick" web server must be enabled on the first IP address given in the metallb.yaml file.
Other example applications, edge host configuration, worker node configuration, and virtual machine files can be found in the same Git repository. To use these, add them to your Git repository and change the file name extension from .example to .yaml.