After a Kubernetes cluster is deployed, it is listed under Infrastructure > CaaS Infrastructure > Cluster Instances. To view more information about the Kubernetes cluster, click it.

Cluster Details

The Cluster Details tab provides the following information:
  • Cluster Type - Management or a Workload cluster.
  • Cluster URL - The URL of the cluster API server.
  • Cluster Username - User name to access the cluster.
  • vSphere Cluster Name - The name of the selected vSphere cluster.
  • Management Cluster - The backing Management cluster name.
  • Cluster Template - The backing cluster template name.

Cluster Configuration

The Cluster Configuration tab displays information about the Kubernetes version of the cluster, upgrade history, its CNI and CSI configurations, any tools such as Helm associated with the cluster, syslog server details, and Harbor repository details. To edit any of the configuration information, click Edit.

Master Nodes

The Master Nodes tab displays the details about the Master node, labels attached to the node, and network labels. It also displays the IP addresses and names of the VMs that are deployed for the Master node. To increase or decrease the replica count and to add labels, click Edit.

Worker Nodes

The Worker Nodes tab displays the existing node pools of a Kubernetes cluster. To view more details of the node pool such its name, CPU size, memory size, storage size, number of replicas, node customization details, and its status, click the > icon against the node pool. You can also add a node pool to the cluster, edit the number of replicas on a node pool, and delete a node pool from here.


The Tasks tab displays the progress of the cluster-level tasks and their status.
  • Management Cluster - Displays the progress of Management cluster tasks along with the progress of all the Workload cluster tasks that are managed by this cluster. It also displays the node pool tasks of all the Workload clusters.
  • Workload Cluster - Displays the progress of the Workload cluster tasks along with the progress of its node pool tasks.
You can apply filters to view the progress of specific operations and specific clusters.