VMware Telco Cloud Automation notifies you when a new version of VMware Telco Cloud Automation Control Plane (TCA-CP). You can then go to Administration > System Updates and upgrade to the newer version.

If you miss an upgrade notification and want to check for a newer version of TCA-CP, perform the following steps:


  • Ensure that VMware Telco Cloud Automation is connected to the activation server.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation Control Plane web interface.
  2. Go to Administration > System Updates.
  3. In the Available Service Update Versions column, click Check For Updates. This option is useful when you miss a notification from TCA-CP about a service update and want to upgrade to the latest version.
    Note: The Check For Updates option is available only from VMware Telco Cloud Automation version 1.8 onwards.
  4. When an update is available, you can perform one of the following operations:
    • Download - To download the upgrade bundle from the public URL and stores it in the TCA-CP node, click Download.
    • Upgrade - After downloading the upgrade bundle, the Upgrade operation is enabled. To upgrade your TCA-CP version, click Upgrade.
    • Download & Upgrade - This option combines the download and upgrade operations.
    • Readme - This option opens the release notes for the particular build.
    Note: Upgrade is applicable only for VMware Telco Cloud Automation applicances activated in the SaaS mode. For appliances activated using the Standalone mode, go to the VMware Customer Connect site at my.vmware.com, download the upgrade bundle, and follow the user interface. For information about upgrading VMware Telco Cloud Automation appliances, see the VMware Telco Cloud Automation Deployment Guide.