Starting with VMware Telco Cloud Automation version 1.8, you can upload binary files when designing network functions. Package your Ansible Playbooks as a ZIP file and place it within the CSAR file. You can then run your Ansible Playbooks through VMware Telco Cloud Automation using vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) workflows.

Bundling Ansible Playbooks in Network Function Catalogs

To upload your Ansible Playbook, perform the following steps:
  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Design a Network Function descriptor. For more information, see Designing a Network Function Descriptor.
    1. In the Network Function Catalog Properties window, add the vRO Workflow that runs your Ansible Playbook to the network function.
    2. In the Resources tab, upload your Ansible Playbook scripts as a ZIP file, if necessary.
Note: The maximum size limit for copying files through vRO is 20 MB.

Running Ansible Playbooks

The Workflow.JSON file that you upload performs the following steps through vRO Workflows when you instantiate your VNF or CNF:
  1. Copies the Ansible Playbook package from the CSAR to the Ansible host.
  2. Unzips the package on the Ansible host.
  3. Replaces the host file on the Ansible host and performs any environment-related settings.
  4. Runs the Ansible Playbooks through vRO SSH Workflows.
  5. Returns the Ansible Playbook output to VMware Telco Cloud Automation.

Sample Ansible Playbook Workflow

For a sample workflow for deploying LAMP through Ansible, see Ansible Workflow.