Using this method, you can upgrade an airgap server running on VMware Telco Cloud Automation 2.0 airgap scripts to a later version.


  • Move and connect your airgap server to a network with Internet access.
  • After upgrading VMware Telco Cloud Automation to a newer version, Upgrade your airgap Harbor repository.


  1. Download the airgap TAR package from the newer VMware Telco Cloud Automation build.
  2. Extract the airgap file and update the user-inputs.yml file.
    1. To extract the airgap file:
      root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# tar xvfz VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation-airgap-files-2.0.1-<build number>.tar.gz
      cd airgap/scripts
    2. Back up the existing user-inputs.yml file.
    3. Update the user-inputs.yml file with tca_versions: 1.9.5+2.0.0+2.0.1. Make other necessary changes similar to the previous user-inputs.yml file.
    4. Ensure that the FQDN address and other settings are similar to the backup user_inputs.yml file.
      For example:
      root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# cd airgap/scripts/vars
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap/scripts/vars ]# ls
      deploy-user-inputs.yml  setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap/scripts/vars ]# mv user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml.bak
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap/scripts/vars ]# cp setup-user-inputs.yml user-inputs.yml
      root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap/scripts/vars ]# vi user-inputs.yml
      # 1. General Configurations
      #  tca_versions: TCA versions this airgap server to serve for, values "1.9.5",
      #                "2.0.0", "2.0.1" or "1.9.5+2.0.0+2.0.1"
      #  server_fqdn: airgap server domain name
      #  root: root folder for the ansible runtime output files
      tca_versions: 1.9.5+2.0.0+2.0.1
      server_fqdn: <same with the previous server_fqdn setting>
    5. Save the file and exit the editor.
    6. Before running Ansible Playbook, create a log folder if it does not exist.
      root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# mkdir -p /root/airgap/logs
      root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# touch /root/airgap/logs/publish-image.log
  3. Perform a repository upgrade:
    root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# ansible-playbook scripts/playbooks/setup-repo.yml 2>&1 >> upgrade_repo.log &
    root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# disown
    This step will incrementally upgrade Harbor and Photon repositories on the server.
    To view the real-time output, you can monitor the repository upgrade log file and the Harbor image sync log file.
    root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# tail -f upgrade_repo.log
    root@photon-machine [ ~/airgap ]# tail -f /root/airgap/logs/publish-image.log
  4. After Ansible Playbook completes running, disconnect from the Internet and move back to the airgap environment.


You have successfully performed an inline upgrade.

What to do next

Validate the airgap server setup. For more information, see Validate Airgap Server Setup.