This topic documents a diagnosis tool which can be used to diagnose TCA kubernetes lifecycle and CNF customization for 5G CNFs.

Telco Cloud Automation(TCA) modernizes the cloud to run CNFs side-by-side with the consistent horizontal infrastructure and deploy them throughout 5G networks, from core to edge. Vertically, 5G CNF POD is running on a customized Kubernetes node, this node is located in a VM which is deployed on a well tuned hypervisor. Horizontally, 5G CNF POD is running in a workload cluster which is managed by a management cluster, the management cluster is created using a bootstrap cluster. To do troubleshooting from 5G CNF pod tier to node tier, VM tier, host tier, and cluster lifecycle across VMC/on-Prem datacenters and cell site hosts, a cloud native tool is provided to diagnose TKG cluster lifecycle and 5G CNF customization. It provides an easy-to-use interface for user to consume it, it can diagnose the problems in management cluster, workload cluster, the pods, nodes and its associated hosts.

There are several ways to run diagnosis in different scenarios: