Using the VMware Telco Cloud Automation user interface, you can transform a Workload cluster that was created using the v1 API schema to the latest v2 API schema.


  • You require a role with Infrastructure Lifecycle Management privileges.
  • For a successful transformation of node pools, you must perform the sync esx info API call before initiating a transform of imported v1 clusters.
  • After the Workload Cluster transformation:
    • You cannot obtain the Task history of transformed Workload Cluster.
    • VMware Telco Cloud Automation changes the node pool name from <existing nodepool name> to <cluster name>-<existing nodepool name >. For example, if a Workload Cluster w1 has a node pool named np1, then after transformation node pool name becomes w1-np1.
    • You cannot use the v1 API on the transformed Workload Cluster. You can use the v2 API to manage all the life-cycle management operations on this Workload Cluster.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
    The CaaS Infrastructure dashboard lists the v1 and v2 clusters and their status.
  2. Click the menu against a v1 cluster that you want to transform, and click Transform Cluster.
    Note: After you transform a v1 Workload cluster to v2 Workload cluster, you cannot perform any v1 operations on it.
  3. Click Transform.


VMware Telco Cloud Automation converts the v1 Workload Cluster to v2 Workload cluster. You can now perform v2 life-cycle management operations on it.