You can scale up or scale down the number of Master node replicas and add or remove labels.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Go to Infrastructure > CaaS Infrastructure > Cluster Instances.
  3. Click the Options () symbol against the Kubernetes cluster that you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit Cluster Configuration.
  5. In the Configuration tab Destination Info step, could select new cloud under the Advanced Options.
  6. In the Control Plane Info step, click the configuration icon to the right of the control panel row.
  7. Click the configure icon, there will show Control Plane Node Info dialog.
  8. Edit the Number of replicas to scale down or scale up the Control Plane nodes.
  9. Click Add Label or Remove to edit the node labels.
  10. Click Apply to apply configurations.
  11. After the Control Plane dialog close, click Next jump to Ready to Deploy, Click Deploy.


You have successfully edited the Kubernetes Cluster and its Control Plane configuration.