You can set up your workload cluster backup schedule operation for a specific time. You also can change the backup retention period and delete a backup.
Schedule a Backup
You can set up the back schedule at a specific time. The schedule time format is defined by Cron expression. For example, the command below creates a backup that runs at 3:00 AM every day.
# velero schedule create <example-schedule> --exclude-resources=$TCA_VELERO_EXCLUDE_RESOURCES --include-namespaces <example-namespaces-by-comma> --schedule="0 3 * * *"
Delete a Schedule
Use the following command to delete schedules.
# velero schedule delete <schedule-names>
Deleting the backup schedule won't delete the backups created by the schedule.
Set up a Backup Retention
The default backup retention period is managed by the Time to Live (TTL) value. By default, the TTL value is 30 days (720 hours). To change the TTL value, run the velero command by specifying the value of hours, minutes, and seconds in the form of --ttl 24h0m0s:
# velero backup create <example-backup> --ttl 24h0m0s
Delete a Backup
You can delete a backup resource including all the data in the object storage by running the following command:
# velero backup delete <example-backup>
Adjust Velero Memory Limits (If Necessary)
You can increase the limits and requests memory settings of velero.
1. Run the following command.
# kubectl edit deployment/velero -n velero
2. Change the limits and request memory settings from the default of 512Mi and 128Mi to 512Mi and 256Mi.
ports: - containerPort: 8085 name: metrics protocol: TCP resources: limits: cpu: "1" memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File