After setting up the airgap server, validate it. Ansible Playbook performs these validations automatically, but you can also run them manually.


  1. Validate the TDNF version and the makecache function.
    The reposync function is available from TDNF version 3.1.0 onwards, so install the latest TDNS version. To ensure that the TDNF function works correctly, create a cache:
    tdnf --version
    tdnf clean all
    tdnf makecache
    Note: If you encounter an error or a permission issue when running TDNF, remove the lock file at /var/run/.tdnf-instance-lockfile and try again.
  2. Validate certificate availability.
    Verify that the certificates are copied to /etc/docker/certs.d/{airgap server fqdn}:[{https port number}]. When using custom certificates, the certs folder name is the same as the airgap server FQDN and the HTTPS port number is optional. When using system-generated certificates, you must create the certs folder with the HTTPS port number.
    ls /etc/docker/certs.d/{airgap server fqdn}:[{https port number}]
  3. Validate Harbor login and image pulling.
    Verify if you can log in to Harbor and pull an image from it.
    docker login {airgap server fqdn}/registry
    docker pull {airgap server fqdn}/registry/tkr-compatibility:v1
  4. Validate if the nginx service is running.
    nginx -T
    systemctl status nginx
  5. Validate Photon OS repositories.
    Verify if you can access the four repositories that are used during cluster creation:
    curl -k -I "https://$server_fqdn/updates/photon-updates/" 2>&1
    curl -k -I "https://$server_fqdn/release/photon/" 2>&1
    curl -k -I "https://$server_fqdn/updates/photon-telco-updates/" 2>&1
    curl -k -I "https://$server_fqdn/updates/photon-telco-debuginfo/" 2>&1
  6. Validate the Kubernetes images sync list.
    If you encounter a failure, view the /root/logs/publish-image.log file for a summary of image sync statistics and image list.