Configure the IP index and password of various appliances available under the Appliance Configuration.

You can configure the IP index and password for all the appliances available in Infrastructure Automation.

IP index is the index of the IP address in the subnet which is configured in the Networks under Domain section. The IP for each appliance is derived by adding the IP Index to the subnet address, so that the administrator does not need to provide an IP for each appliance in each domain. VMware Telco Cloud Automation recommends to follow a common IP addressing scheme for all the domains. However, if required, you can override the IP Index for each domain. Ensure that you provide the IP index based on the subnet value.

  • You can configure the Root Password, Admin Password, and Audit Password, and select the Use above credentials for all the password fields to use the same password for all the appliances.
  • When creating the password for following appliances, ensure that you follow the password guidelines
    • For Cloudbuilder:
      • Minimum password length for admin password is 8 characters and must include at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character.
      • Minimum password length for root password is 8 characters and must include at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character.
    • vCenter
      • The admin password length is between 8 to 20 character and must contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character (@!#$%?^).
      • The root password length is between 8 to 20 character and must contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character (@!#$%?^).
    • NSXT password
      • Minimum length for root, admin, and audit password is 12 characters and must contain at least one lower case, one uppercase, one digit, one special character. The password should contain at least 5 different characters. Password cannot contain three consecutive characters. Dictionary word is not allowed. The password should not contain more than four monotonic character sequence.
Field Description
Appliance Type The name of the appliance. It is a non-editable.
Appliance Name The name of the appliance.
IP Index The last octet of the IP address. The first three octets of the IP address are computed from the IP address of the gateway IP.
Note: The IP index depends on management subnet prefix length. Ensure that you provide IP index values within the IP range dictated by that subnet prefix length. For example, if you use subnet prefix length of 24, then the subnet has 254 IPs. Hence, the IP index value cannot exceed 254. If you use prefix length of 27 or 28, then the subnet has 30 or 14 IPs, respectively. The IP index values must then not exceed 30 or 14, respectively. Ensure that you check the values before adding the IP index.
Enabled Enable or disable the deployment of appliance across all domain.
Root Password Password of the root user of the appliance.
Note: Minimum length of the password is 13 characters and it must include a special character, a capital letter, a lower-case letter, and a number.
Admin Password Password of the administrator of the appliance.
Note: Minimum length of the password is 13 characters and it must include a special character, a capital letter, a lower-case letter, and a number.
Audit Password Password of the audit user. Applicable only for NSX Manager, and NSX Edge cluster.
Note: Minimum length of the password is 13 characters and it must include a special character, a capital letter, a lower-case letter, and a number.
Cluster Password Password for creating the cluster. Applicable only for VMware Telco Cloud Automation management cluster and bootstrapper cluster.
Note: Minimum length of the password is 13 characters and it must include a special character, a capital letter, a lower-case letter, and a number.
NSX Manager Configuration Applicable only for NSX Manager.
  • Name: Name of the NSX Manager node.
  • IP: The fourth octane of the IP address applicable to the node.
NSX Edge Cluster Configuration Applicable only for NSX Edge Cluster.
  • Name: Name of the NSX Edge cluster.
  • IP: The fourth octet of the IP address applicable to the node.
  • Size: Size of the NSX Edge cluster. Select the option from the drop-down menu.
  • Tier0Mode: Whether to deploy the NSX Edge cluster in Active-Standby or Active-Active. Select the option from the drop-down menu.
Node Count Number of vSAN NFS nodes. Minimum three and a maximum of eight nodes are required. Applicable only for vSAN NFS.
IP Pool List of static IP indexes for vSAN NFS nodes. Each vSAN NFS node requires one IP. Applicable only for vSAN NFS.
Shares Size of the NFS share. Applicable only for vSAN NFS.


  1. Click the Configuration tab under the Infrastructure Automation.
  2. Click Appliance Configuration.
  3. To modify the parameters, click Edit.