Edit an existing network slice service order.

You can view the network slice service order. You can edit or delete the existing network slice service order.


Ensure that you have permission to edit the network slice service order.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Select Inventory > Network Slicing and select the network slice function.
  3. Click the Service Order tab.
  4. Click the symbol against the network slice service order and select the operation from the list.
    • To delete the service order, select Delete.

    • To edit the service order, select Edit.

  5. To edit the service order, select Edit.

    System shows View Network Slice page.

  6. To view the general properties, click General Properties tab. It shows the following details:
    • Network Slice Name

    • Description

    • Customer Name

    • Network Function/Service Inventory

  7. To view the task details, click Tasks tab.
  8. To view the profile details, click Profile tab. The profile tab shows following parameters
    • General settings

    • PLMN Information (public land mobile networks)

      • Mobile Country Code (MCC)

      • Mobile Network Code (MNC)

    • S-NSSAI (Network Slice Selection Assistance Information)

      • Slice/Service Type

      • Slice Differentiator

    • Delay Tolerance

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Support

    • Deterministic Communication

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Availability

      • Periodicity List

    • Downlink Throughput per Network Slice

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Guaranteed Downlink Throughput per Network Slice

      • Maximum Downlink Throughput per Network Slice

    • Downlink Throughput per Network Slice ( for UE)

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Guaranteed Downlink Throughput Per UE per Slice

      • Maximum Downlink Throughput Per UE per Slice

    • KQIs and KPIs

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • List of KQIs and KPIs

    • Maximum Number of Connections per Slice

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Maximum Number of Concurrent Sessions

    • Maximum Supported Packet Size

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Maximum Packet Size

    • Overall User Density

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Overall User Density

    • Uplink Throughput per Network Slice

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Guaranteed Uplink Throughput per Slice

      • Maximum Uplink Throughput per Slice

    • Uplink Throughput per Network Slice per UE

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • Guaranteed Uplink Throughput Per UE per Slice

      • Maximum Uplink Throughput Per UE per Slice

      User Management Openness

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • User Management Openness Support

    • V2X Communication Models (Vehicular-to-Everything)

      • Category

      • Tagging

      • Exposure

      • V2X Communication Mode

  9. To view the deployment configuration, click Deployment Configuration tab.

    The Deployment Configuration tab shows the following details of the network function associated with the network slice function:

    • General Settings

    • PLMN Information

    • Performance Requirements

    • S-NSSAI

    For details of all the parameters, see Edit a Network Slice Template.