VMware Telco Cloud Automation can orchestrate a network function catalog from a partner system. Add the partner system's network function catalog to VMware Telco Cloud Automation.


You must have the Partner System Admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Partner Systems and select the partner system.
  3. Click Add Network Function Catalog.
  4. In the Add Network Function Catalog page, enter the following details:
    • Descriptor ID - The descriptor ID of the network function catalog.
    • Product Name - The name of the product associated with the network function catalog.
    • Software Version - The software version of the partner system.
    • Descriptor Version - The version number of the network descriptor.
  5. Click Add.


The network function catalog is added to the Network Functions > Catalogs page.

Note: You cannot edit the Network Function Description of a network function catalog that is added from a partner system.