This section lists the default workflows available in Workflow Hub for VMware Bare Metal Automation (BMA).

Parent Workflows

BMA Host imaging

Table 1. Description
Name Id
BMA Host Imaging bma-host-imaging

This workflow can be used to perform Host imaging via TCA WorkdlowHub using VMware Bare Metal Automation.

ESXi host imaging is the supported usecase.

Table 2. Payload Details
Parameters Description Comments

Authentication to access BMA instance and APIs

authorization - "Its a fixed value as supported by BMA Platform"

username - BMA Username

password - Password to access the BMA

scope - BMA API privileges

bma BMA IP
custom_tag Name to uniquely identify the Custom ISO Image name that is created for each host. This must be unique for every host presented. This parameter is not required to be presented if network_config is set to dhcp. Every block in the servers array section of the customer input specification must contain a custom_tag attribute and have a unique name assigned as value.
global tag Name to uniquely identify the global Custom ISO Image name that is created. This must be unique for every workflow (batch of hosts) presented. This parameter is not required to be presented if network_config is set to static.
host_fqdn Assign this attribute with complete FQDN of the host.
host_imaging This section encapsulates all the attributes to be passed onto BMA for imaging
host_root_password The password configured to access the host presented in the customer input specification after the imaging operation. You can access the host through SSH using this password.
iso_image_info This includes the VMware ISO image details about the location of the ISO image. This includes:
  • Web server IP address (server_ip)
  • Absolute path of the ISO image on the web server (image_location)
  • Location URL of the ISO image on the web server (image_url_path)
  • Name of the image (image_name)
  • Username to access the Web server (username)
  • Password to access the Web server (password)
  • Scheme/Protocol of the ISO image URL (image_url_scheme).

    Value can be either http or https.

  • Type of the Operating System to be installed on the host (os_type).

    Value is esxi

network_config The network configuration.

The supported values are dhcp and static.

  • If network_config is configured to dhcp,
    • you need not specify the host network details like host_ip, host_fqdn, netmask, gateway,dns_servers, and dns_suffixes.
    • the customer input provisioning specification should contain homogenous set of hosts only and every set of homogenous hosts runs using different imaging workflow. For example, one workflow instance for one set of homogenous hosts. You can present multiple hosts in the customer input specification only when network_device_name = vmnic*. The user can have only one host in the input specification, if network_device_name = MAC address.
  • If network_config is configured to static,
    • you must specify host network details like host_ip, host_fqdn, netmask, gateway, dns_servers, dns_suffixes.
    • the customer input specification can contain heterogenous set of hosts. For example, every host can have different values of network_device_name, vlanid and other host network details.
network_device_name Specifies either the MAC address of the network card or the device name, in the form vmnicNN. For example, vmnic0. This option refers to the uplink device for the virtual switch.
password The password.This is optional in the smtp_server_info section of the JSON file.
servers It has the details of iDRAC/IMPI details and the details of the host with network configuration. It also contains raid_level attribute which is configured on the iDRAC/IPMI.
smtp_server_info This section includes the:
  • server_ip is the IP address of the SMTP server
  • port is the Port of the SMTP server
  • sender_address is the email address of the customer or machine which is responsible to send the workflow result to the customers or stakeholders.
  • recipient_mail_addresses: This section contains the email addresses of all the stakeholders to whom the workflow execution summary has to be sent.
  • username and password are optional for smtp_server_info section of the JSON file.
username The username.This is optional in the smtp_server_info section of the JSON file.
vlanid An ID String. (1-4094). This is the VLAN ID number.
worker_group BMA Worker Group name

Workflow Bundle name - Path of Workflow


  1. VMware_Bare_Metal_Automation_3_0
  2. bma_3_0/VMware_Bare_Metal_Automation_3_0
workflow_name Workflow name
Table 3. BMA Host Imaging : Sample Payload
BMA Host Imaging
   "bma":"<ip address of BMA>",
   "worker_group":"<name of BMA worker group>",
   "workflow_bundle_name":"<name of the BMA workflow bundle>",
   "workflow_name":"<name of the BMA workflow>",
      "authorization":"<basic authentication to access BMA>",
      "username":"<bma username>",
      "password":"<bma password>",
      "network_config":"<value of network configuration either dhcp or static>",
      "host_root_password":"<host root password>",
      "network_device_name":"<name of network device>",
      "global_tag":"<name of global ISO image>",
            "ipmi_ip":"<ip address of bare metal server>",
            "ipmi_username":"<username of bare metal server>",
            "ipmi_password":"<password of bare metal server>",
         {  "ipmi_ip":"<ip address of bare metal server>",
            "ipmi_username":"<username of bare metal server>",
            "ipmi_password":"<password of bare metal server>",
         "server_ip":"<ip address of web server>",
         "image_location":"<ip address of web server>",
         "image_url_scheme":"<URL scheme of web server>",
         "image_url_path":"<ISO image URL short path>",
         "image_name":"<ISO image name>",
         "username":"<username of web server>",
         "password":"<password of web server>",
         "os_type":"<type of operating system to be installed>"
         "server_ip":"<ip address of SMTP server>",
         "port":"<port number of SMTP server>",
         "sender_address":"<email address of sender>",
            "<email addresses of recipients>"