Configure VMware Telco Cloud Automation Manager.


You must have selected VMware Telco Cloud Automation - Manager as the role and activated it.


  1. In the system location screen, enter the location where you are deploying the system.

    Select the nearest major city to where the VMware Telco Cloud Automation system is geographically located. VMware Telco Cloud Automation sites are represented visually in the Dashboard.

  2. Click Continue.
  3. Enter the system name, and click Continue.
    The system displays a screen prompting you to choose the authentication provider between vCenter and Active Directory.
  4. Provide the following details and click Continue.
    • vCenter - Enter the vCenter location and credential to connect your vCenter.
    • Active Directory - Enter the following information to connect your active director for TCA:
      • URL: Enter the Active Directory server URL.
      • Base Distinguished Name for Users: Enter the Distinguished Name for the users. You can search for the users from the specified Distinguished Name. Example: cn=Users, dc=myCorp, dc=com.
      • Base Distinguished Name for Groups: Enter the Distinguished Name for the groups. You can search for the user groups from the specified Distinguished Name. Example: cn=Groups, dc=myCorp, dc=com.
      • Admin User Distinguished Name: Enter the Distinguished Name for the admin users. You can search for the admin users from the specified Distinguished Name. Example: cn=administrator,bcn=users,
      • Password: Enter the password.
      • Admin Group Name: Enter the admin group name. Example: cn=Administrators, cn=Builtin, dc=telco, dc=net.
    The system displays a screen prompting you for the SSO URL.
  5. Enter the SSO server URL, and then click Continue.

    The SSO URL must be either the vCenter Server URL or the Platform Services Controller (PSC) URL.

    The system verifies the information and generates a configuration summary.

  6. Enter the following details to connect TCA to vRLI.
    • URL: Enter the vRLI host and port in the format https://<host>:<port>. Use only https connections. The port 9543 is commonly used. For more information, navigate to Log Sources > Agents > Fluentd in vRLI instance.

    • Provider: Enter the authentication provider for vRLI. In case of vRLI authentication, use Local.

    • Username: Enter the vRLI user name.

    • Password: Enter the vRLI password.

    After the configuration is complete, the application logs from TCA are sent to vRLI.

  7. Review the system summary information.
    The system verifies the configuration and then generates a configuration summary.
  8. To reload the system, click Restart.
    It can take several minutes to reinitialize the system completely. During this process, the appliance management interface is not available.
    To schedule a restart, click Restart Later.


After the system reloads, it displays the appliance management dashboard. For more information about the dashboard, see Understanding the Appliance Management Dashboard.

What to do next

For information on using VMware Telco Cloud Automation, see the VMware Telco Cloud Automation User Guide available at VMware Telco Cloud Automation documentation.