In this page, system administrator can configure the namespace list which shall be restricted for TCA Kubernetes based VIMs (TKG workload cluster, AKS, and EKS).

The restricted namespace list will be applied if there are the following two options:

  1. Enable namespace restrictions: If enabled, the restricted namespace list will be applied to newly created clusters, otherwise for backward compatibility reasons the restricted namespace list will not be applied to the new clusters.

  2. Default restricted namespaces: The list of default restricted namespaces. This will be applied to newly created VIMs.


    Regular expressions are allowed in this list (“tkg-.*”).

  • In order to keep forward compatibility, upgrade procedures from TCA 3.1 to further releases will not change the restricted namespace list in global configuration. The user can manually upgrade to the latest system default (post 3.1 release) by editing configuration and push Reset to system default button.

  • The global settings can be overridden in VIM configurations. For more information, see Edit a Virtual Infrastructure Account.