The first step to managing network functions and services is to add a cloud to VMware Telco Cloud Automation. This service is available on request. For more details, contact the Product Support team.


  • To perform this task, you must have the Virtual Infrastructure Admin privileges.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Virtual Infrastructure and click + Add.

    The Add New Virtual Infrastructure Account page is displayed.

  3. Select the type of cloud. Based on the cloud type you select, enter the following virtual infrastructure details:

    VMware Telco Cloud Automation auto-imports self-signed certificates. To import, click Import from the pop-up window and continue.

    1. For VMware Cloud Director and VMware Integrated OpenStack (VMware VIO):

      Cloud Name

      Enter a name for your virtual infrastructure.

      Cloud URL

      Enter the TCA-CP cloud appliance URL. This URL is used for making HTTP requests.


      Select the key and value pairs from the drop down menus. To add more tags, click the + symbol.


      Enter the user name of a cloud user having edit permissions on the cloud.

      • The format for a vCloud Director-based cloud is username@organization-name.

      • The role of vCloud Director is Organization Administrator.

      • The role of VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO) is Project Administrator.


      Enter the infrastructure user password.

      Tenant Name

      Enter the organization name for vCloud Director. Enter the project name for VIO.

    2. For Kubernetes and VMware Tanzu:

      Cloud Name

      Enter a name for your virtual infrastructure.

      Cloud URL

      Enter the TCA-CP cloud appliance URL. This URL is used for making HTTPS requests.


      Enter the labels to associate with your cloud.

      Cluster Name

      Enter the cluster name that you provided when registering the Kubernetes Cluster in TCA-CP Manager.

      Kubernetes Config

      Enter the YAML kubeconfig file for your Kubernetes Cluster.

      Default Isolation Mode Select one of the following:
      • Permissive: No restriction is applied during LCM operations or proxy remote accesses.
      • Restricted: Each Network Function has access to its namespace, and no access is granted to any other namespace or cluster-level resources.
        Note: By default, the K8s VIMs are in permissive mode, and no cluster-level privilege separation is enforced. To enable restricted policies, you must set the isolation mode to Restricted.
    3. For VMware vSphere and Google VMware Engine (GVE):

      Cloud Name

      Enter a name for your virtual infrastructure.

      Cloud URL

      Enter the TCA-CP cloud appliance URL. This URL is used for making HTTP requests.


      Enter the labels to associate with your cloud.


      Enter the user name of a cloud user having edit permissions on the cloud. The format for the vSphere cloud is username@domain-name.


      Enter the infrastructure user password.

    4. For Amazon EKS:

      Cloud Name

      Enter a name for your virtual infrastructure.

      VMware Telco Cloud Automation Control Plane URL

      Enter the TCA-CP cloud appliance URL. This URL is used for making HTTP requests.


      Enter the labels to associate with your cloud.

      EKS Cluster Name

      Enter the EKS Cluster name.

      EC2 Region

      Enter the region of your Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) systems.

      EKS Access Key

      Enter the EKS Access Key.

      EKS Access Secret

      Enter the secret token, key, or password.

      This feature is available on request. Please contact VMware technical team for details.

    5. For Microsoft AKS:

      Cloud Name

      Enter a name for your virtual infrastructure.

      TCA CP URL

      Enter the TCA-CP cloud appliance URL. This URL is used for making HTTP requests.

      Azure Service Principle

      A security identity used by applications or services to authenticate Azure resources.

      Azure client secret

      Secret key associated with the Azure Service Principal. It acts as a password for authenticating the service principal.


      Cluster Name

      The name assigned to a specific cluster during cluster creation.

      Subscription ID

      A unique identifier for the Azure subscription. Every Azure account is associated with a specific subscription.

      Azure Tenant ID

      This represents to the identity of the organization that owns Azure resources.

      Resource Group

      A logical container for organizing and managing Azure resources.

  4. Optionally, you can add tags to your cloud. Tags are used for filtering and grouping clouds, network functions, and network services.
  5. Click Validate.

    The configuration is validated.

  6. Click Add.


You have added the cloud to your virtual infrastructure. You can see an overview of your virtual infrastructure on the Infrastructure > Virtual Infrastructure page together with a map showing the physical location of each cloud.

What to do next

To configure additional clouds in your virtual infrastructure, click + Add. To modify your existing infrastructure, click Edit or Delete.

For VMware Cloud Director, vSphere, and VIO, you must configure the deployment profiles for your cloud.