VMware Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) stores the logs in TCA appliance even for pods which are deleted. This is helpful when an external log management system is not configured.

Logs will be stored in the TCA appliance at the location, /logs/retained-logs, and each pod will have a dedicated folder associated with it.

If the pod name is postgres-0 and namespace is tca-cp-cn, then the folder name will be logs_k8s.tca-cp-cn.postgres-0.

Inside the folder, there will be a log file for each container of the pod.

If pod tca-platform-manager-688bd6c875-gd842 has 2 containers, compress-old-logs and tca, the file name would be tca.<TIMESTAMP>.log & compress-old-logs.<TIMESTAMP>.log (file extension will be .log.tar.gz if it is compressed).

Log file for each container will be rotated every 6 hours.

If the container name is tca and date is 2024-05-23, then the logs for the first 6 hours will be present in file, tca.2024-05-23T00.log, and the logs for next 6 hours will be present in file, tca.2024-05-23T06.log.

Logs older than 1 day will be compressed, and compressed logs older than 7 days (default retention days) will be automatically deleted. The maximum size of any compressed folder is 300MB (default upper limit). If the folder size grows beyond 300MB, it will be deleted until the folder size is reduced to 200MB (default lower limit).