A Cloud Native Network Function Descriptor (CNFD) file describes the instantiation parameters and operational behaviors of the CNFs. You can design SOL001 - compliant CNFDs using the Network Function Designer tool in VMware Telco Cloud Automation.


Add a cloud to your virtual infrastructure.


  1. Log in to the VMware Telco Cloud Automation web interface.
  2. Select Catalog > Network Function and click Onboard.
    The Onboard Network Function page is displayed.
  3. Select Design Network Function Descriptor.
  4. Name - Enter a unique name for your VNF descriptor.
  5. Tags (Optional)- Enter the tags to associate your VNF descriptor with.
  6. Type - Select the network function type as Cloud Native Network Function.
  7. Click Design.
    The Network Function Designer is displayed.
  8. In the General Info tab, enter the following information:
    • Description - A general description about the network function.
    • Version - The version of the network function TOSCA file. This field is not editable.
    1. Under Network Function Properties, enter information for the following fields:
      • Descriptor ID - The descriptor ID is system generated and not editable.
      • Descriptor Version - Enter the descriptor version.
      • Provider - Enter the company name of the provider.
      • Provider Name - Enter the company name of the vendor.
      • Product Name - Enter the product name of the descriptor.
      • Version - Enter the product version.
      • Software Version - Enter the software version.
    2. Under Available Operations, select the life-cycle management operations to be made available for your VNF. Your users can run only those operations that are enabled here.
      • Heal
      • Scale
      • Scale To Level
      • Workflow
      • Operate
      • Upgrade Package
      Note: The life-cycle management operations are enabled by default.
    3. The Draft Versions pane displays the available versions of the Network Function catalog that you can edit. Click the Options () icon and select the draft that you want to view or edit.
  9. In the Topology tab:
    1. From the Components toolbar, drag a Helm Chart into the design area. Helm is a Kubernetes application manager used for deploying CNFs. Helm Charts contain a collection of files that describe a set of Kubernetes resources. Helm uses the resources from Helm Charts for orchestrating the deployment of CNFs on a Kubernetes cluster.
    2. In the Configure Helm window, enter the following details:
      • Name - Name of the Helm.
      • Description - A brief description about the Helm.
      • Chart Name - Name of the chart from the Helm repository.
      • Chart Version - Version number of the chart from the Helm repository.
      • Helm Version - Select the version of the Helm from the drop-down menu.
      • ID - Enter the Helm ID.
      • (Optional) Helm Property Overrides - Add additional instantiation properties to override or add a YAML file that contains a list of properties to override. To upload a YAML file, enter the filename in the Property text box and select the Type as File. You must upload the YAML file during instantiation.
      • (Optional) Helm Scale Properties - You can add the helm properties required for scale. You can also specify if the property is mandatory or optional for scale.
      • (Optional) Depends On - Specify the Helm to be deployed before deploying this Helm. In a scenario where you deploy many Helms, there can be dependencies between the Helms regarding the order in which they are deployed. This option enables you to specify their deployment order.

      From the VMware Telco Cloud Automation 3.1 Release onwards the Helm version is upgraded from 3.8.0 to 3.13.3.

  10. To configure infrastructure requirements, see Infrastructure Requirements Designer.
  11. To design workflows, see
  12. To save your descriptor as a draft and work on it later, click Save Draft. For information about working with different draft versions, see Edit Network Function Descriptor Drafts.
  13. After designing your network function descriptor, click Onboard Package.


The specified network function is added to the catalog. You can now instantiate the function or use it to create a network service.

What to do next

  • To instantiate the network function, see Instantiate a Virtual Network Function.
  • To create a network service that includes the network function, see Design a Network Service Descriptor.
  • To obtain the CSAR file corresponding to a network function, select the function in the catalog and click Download.
  • To add or remove tags, go to Catalog > Network Package and click the desired network function. Then click Edit.
  • To remove a network function from the catalog, stop and delete all instances using the network function. Then select the function in the catalog and click Delete.