Configuration and Control Plane

The Configuration and Control Plane tab displays the details of the Cluster and the Control Plane nodes.

  • The Status section displays the cluster status.

  • The Conditions section displays the conditions details such as Type, Status, Reason, Severity, Message, and Last Transition Time. You can click Show More to get the CR of TcaKubernetesCluster and TcaKubeControlPlane.

  • The Cluster Global configuration section displays the global configuration of cluster:

    • Details: Shows the cluster details such as CNI Type, Endpoint IP, Pods, Services, TCA Bom Release Reference, and NF Orchestration VIM.

    • Cloud Providers: Shows the cloud providers details such as VIM name, Datacenter, and Type.

  • The Control Plane Configuration section displays the details of the control plane nodes:

    • Details: Shows the Control Plane hardware details such as Name, CPU, Memory, Storage, Replicas, Folder, Resource Pool, Cloud Name, Datacenter, Datastore, TCA Bom Release Reference, Clone Mode, Template.

    • Network: Shows the network details such as Network Name, MTU, DHCP4.

    • Labels: Shows the labels of control plane nodes.

    • Nodes: Shows the VM details suh as Memory pressure, Disk pressure, PID pressure, Ready State, and K8S version.

      Click the VM name to view the following information:

      • Node Details: Shows the hardware and operating system related details of the VM, such as Architecture, Kernel Version, Kubelet Version, OS Image, Container Runtime Version, Kube Proxy Version, Operating System.

      • Conditions: Shows various health conditions such as Memory Pressure, Disk Pressure, PID Pressure, and Ready State of the node pool.

      • Addresses: Shows the Hostname, InternalIP, and ExternalIP associated with the VM.

      • Labels: Shows various labels associated with the VM.

      • Allocatable/Capacity: Shows the availability and allocation of the resources associated with the VM.

Node Pools

The Node Pools tab displays the existing node pools of a Kubernetes cluster. To view more details about the node pool such as its name, CPU size, memory size, storage size, number of replicas, node customization details, and its status, click the name of the node pool:

  • The Status shows the node pool status.

  • The Conditions section shows the conditions details, like Type, Status, Reason, Severity, Message, and Last Transition Time. You can click Show More to get the CR of TcaNodePool, NodePolicy, and NodePolicyMachineStatus.

  • The Details section shows the hardware details of the node pool. This contains Name, Replicas, CPU, Memory, Storage, Clone Mode, Cloud, Data Center, Resource Pool, VM Folder, Datastore, VM Template, Manage Network, CPU Manager Policy, Reservation for Kubernetes Processes, Reservation for System Processes, TCA Bom Release Reference, and Domain Name Servers.

  • The Labels section shows the various labels associated with the node pool.

  • The Machine Health Check section shows the details of the Machine Health Check.

  • The Nodes section shows the VM details such as VM Name, IP, Memory pressure, Disk pressure, PID pressure, Ready State, and K8S version.

    Click the VM to view the following information:

    • The Node Pool Details tab shows Node Details, Conditions, Addresses, Labels, and Allocatable/Capacity.

      • Node Details: Shows the hardware and the operating system related details of the VM, such as Architecture, Kernel Version, Kubelet Version, OS Image, Container Runtime Version, Kube Proxy Version, and Operating System.

      • Conditions: Shows various health conditions such as Memory Pressure, Disk Pressure, PID Pressure, and Ready State of the node pool.

      • Addresses: Shows Hostname, InternalIP, and ExternalIP associated with the VM.

      • Labels: Shows various labels associated with the VM.

      • Allocatable/Capacity: Shows the availability and allocation of the resources associated with the VM.

    • The Node Customisations tab shows the node customization details such as Status, NUMA Alignment, Kernel, Network, Tuned Profile, File Injection, and so on.

    • The Events tab shows the list of the events performed, such as Message, Type, Owner, Resource Name, Resource Type, Reason, Count, First Occurrence, and Last Occurrence.


You can apply filters to view the details of a specific Node Pool.


The Add-Ons tab displays the existing Add-Ons of a Kubernetes cluster.

  • All table: Lists all Add-Ons and the details such as Name, Type, Status, Revision, and Created.

  • Add-On Categories: Displays the list of Add-Ons under each category table. Categories include:

    • Cni: antrea and calico

    • Csi: vsphere-csi and nfs-client

    • Monitoring: prometheus and fluent-bit

    • Networking: multus, and whereabouts

    • System: harbor and systemSettings

    • Tca-Core-Addon: nodeconfig-operator

    • Tool: helm and velero.

  • Single Add-On details: Click the add-on name to view the K8s resources details such as the K8s resource Name, Kind, Namespace, Created, Desired, Ready, Replica, Ready Replicas, and so on.


You can apply filters to view the details of a specific Add-On.


The Policies tab displays the existing policies of a workload cluster.

  • Left panel displays the list of policy categories. Category types supported are:

    • Node Policy: A policy for nodepool customization, multiple node policies can be created on a nodepool.
  • Right panel displays policy items belonging to a selected policy category. A node policy contains VM and OS level customization, such as kernel version, additional network devices, VMX settings, etc.:
    • The Status shows the node policy status.
    • The Labels shows the labels on the policy.
      • indicate this node policy is created from "caas" or "nf".
      • indicate this node policy is applied on which nodepool.
      • indicate this node policy is from which network function.
    • Click the Options (>) icon to expand and monitor the progress of the policy operation.
      • The table shows the condition details, like Type, Status, Reason, Message, etc.
      • Click VIEW MORE DETAILS will show the full details of this policy.


The Upgrade tab displays the existing upgrade history of a Kubernetes cluster. The upgrade status first appears as Upgrading, and finally turn into:

  • Upgraded: Upgrade process is successful.

  • Failed: Upgrade process failed. To get further information, please check relative resource events by navigating to the the Events tab of the cluster.

To view more details about the upgrade, click > corresponding to the upgrade and view the upgrade progress.


The Events tab displays the progress of the cluster-level events and their status.

  • The Events table shows the list of the events performed, such as Message, Type, Owner, Resource Name, Resource Type, Reason, Count, First Occurrence, and Last Occurrence.


You can apply filters to view the details of specific Event.