This section lists variables that are common to all target platforms. These variables may apply to workload clusters, node pools, or both.
Classy cluster supported Topology Variable
Variable | Description | Input Type | Input | |
vipNetworkInterface | Network interface name, for example, an Ethernet interface | String | Default value is eth0. | |
aviAPIServerHAProvider | You can use NSX Advanced Load Balancer or Kube-Vip as the Control Plane API Server endpoint. | Boolean |
kubeVipLoadBalancerProvider | You can either use Kube-Vip as the load balancer or use an external load balancer for workloads. | Boolean |
ntpServers | Configure the cluster's NTP server if you are deploying clusters in vSphere without DHCP Option 42. | StringNote:Multiple NTPS are comma- separated. | Enter the NTP server IP address. | |
controlPlaneTaint | Kubeadm applies taint on control plane nodes allow only specific PODs to schedule on them. This ensures proper workload placement and avoids placing PODs on the node that has no toleration for the taint. | Boolean |
etcdExtraArgs | Specify the etcd flags.For example, if the cluster has more than 500 nodes or the storage performance is not good, you can increase the heartbeat-interval to 300 and election-timeout to 2000. | Object | YAML code. Example to increase the heartbeat interval to 300 and election timeout to 2000:
apiServerExtraArgs | Specify kube-apiserver flags.For example, set cipher suites to tls-min-version: VersionTLS12 and tls-cipher-suites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 . |
Object | YAML code. Example to set the cipher suites with tls-minimum version and tls-cipher-suites to TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:
kubeSchedulerExtraArgs | Specify kube-scheduler flags.For example, enable Single Pod Access Mode with feature-gates: ReadWriteOncePod=true |
Object | YAML code. Example to enable the single pod access mode with feature-gates set to ReadWriteOncePod=true:
kubeControllerManagerExtraArgs | Specify the kube-controller-manager flags.For example, turn off performance profiling with profiling:false |
Object | YAML code. Example to turn off performance profiling to false:
controlPlaneKubeletExtraArgs | Specify the control plane kubelet flags.For example, limit the number of control plane PODs with max-pods: 50 |
Object | YAML code. Sample code to set the maximum limit of control plane pods to 50:
workerKubeletExtraArgs | Specify the worker kubelet flags. For example, limit the number of worker nodes with max-pods: 50 Note:This variable Only applicable for Classy Standard Nodepool. |
Object | YAML code. Sample code to set the maximum limit of worker pods to 50:
identityRef | A reference to a Secret or VSphereClusterIdentity containing the identity to be used when reconciling a cluster. | Object | YAML code. Example of a reference to VSphereClusterIdentity:
pci | Configures PCI passthrough on all control planes or worker machines. | Object | YAML code. Example to configure PCI passthrough on the control plane and worker node devices: Example:
eventRateLimitConf | You can enable and configure an EventRateLimit admission controller to moderate traffic to the Kubernetes API server. | String | A base64 string of the EventRateLimit configuration file.
security | Specify security-related configurations. | Object | YAML code. Example to set the minimum TLS protocol version to 1.2:
Standard cluster supported Topology Variable
Variable | Description | Input Type | Input |
nodePoolPowerOffMode | Describe the desired behavior when powering off a node pool VM. | Object | YAML code. powerOffMode describes the desired behavior when powering off a VM. Values can be trySoft and hard. Default is trySoft. guestSoftPowerOffTimeout describes timeout per attempt for a given soft power off VM. Default is 300s. Example: powerOffMode: trySoft guestSoftPowerOffTimeout: 300s
controlPlanePowerOffMode | Describe the desired behavior when powering off a control plane VM. | Object | YAML code. powerOffMode describes the desired behavior when powering off a VM. Values can be trySoft and hard. Default is trySoft. guestSoftPowerOffTimeout describes timeout per attempt for a given soft power off VM. Default is 300s. Example: powerOffMode: trySoft guestSoftPowerOffTimeout: 300s.