You can add, manage, or delete a cell site group.

To add a cell site group, follow the steps:


Obtain the network information required for configuration.


  1. Click Domains under Infrastructure Automation.
  2. Click the Cell Site Group icon.
  3. Click Add.

    The Add Domain page appears.

  4. On the Add Domain page, provide the required information.
  5. Click the button corresponding to Enabled, to enable the provisioning of the site. You cannot perform any operation on a disabled site.
  6. To add an existing cell site group, click the button corresponding to Pre-Deployed. If you wish, you can create Pre-deployed domain folder under VC and add a host for this CSG domain. After the pre-deployed folder is created, the host is provisioned in the vCenter under the same folder. Earlier releases did not have this provision. Therefore, to support the backward compatibility, the following script is provided. In VMware Telco Cloud Automation 3.0 release, a new rule was introduced for pre-deployed CSG domains and hosts added under such domains. The specified presence of host is verified on the vCenter before it is provisioned under a pre-deployed CSG domain. However, the host can be present under any datacentre or any other host folder on the vCenter. The new rule was introduced to avoid such scenarios. According to the new rule, the pre-deployed host that is added under a CSG domain on TCA should be present under same datacenter and same host folder as the CSG domain's name.

    To adjust the folder structure on vCenter conforming the rule mentioned before, a program is provided which works in the following way:

    1. A summary of CSG domains to host mapping is fetched from the TCA inventory. This summary contains information of all pre-deployed CSG domains along with their hosts.

    2. The pre-deployed CSG domains are further grouped by their parent vCenter domain as you can concurrently trigger host migration task on all its CSG domains in parallel.

    3. Users are prompted for their consent to check if any vCenter domain records are found.

    4. For each vCenter domain record, a separate task is submitted to a thread pool. All CSG domains are waited on to be finished before we proceed with next vCenter record in the summary.

    5. For each CSG domain, the list of hosts is validated to filter out only valid hosts. Check if the given host exists under same datacentre or is not a standalone or cluster host.

    6. A host folder with same name as CSG domain is created or retrieved. The list of all validated hosts is passed in single vCenter API call to move them together.

    7. If any invalid hosts are found, their names will be reported.

    8. Repeat steps from 4 to 6 for all CSG domains of a vCenter in parallel until next vCenter record is accepted for processing.

    9. The program continues to execute until all vCenter records are processed.

    Program usage - host_to_domain_folder_sync

    usage: [-h] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--max-threads MAX_THREADS] [--vcenter-domain-name VCENTER_DOMAIN_NAME] [--csg-name CSG_NAME]
    Utility used to move stand-alone hosts under correct CSG host folder on vCenter
       -h, --help            show this help message and exit  
       --batch-size BATCH_SIZE, -s BATCH_SIZE                        
                               Specify the batch size of moving hosts. Default value is 50 ifnot given  
       --max-threads MAX_THREADS, -t MAX_THREADS                        
                            Maximum number of threads to be spawned. It should not exceed the value of batch size. Default value is 4 ifnot given  
         --vcenter-domain-name VCENTER_DOMAIN_NAME, -vc VCENTER_DOMAIN_NAME                        
                             The name of the vCenter domain used to filter hosts by  
         --csg-name CSG_NAME, -csg CSG_NAME                              The name of the Cell-site domain used to filter hosts by. It will be used with vCenter name to filter host if vCenter name is passed

    Sample output:

    admin [ /opt/vmware/tcf]$ python -vc cdc1     
    2024-01-31 06:22:40,677 INFO    [crypto_service:get_crypto_keys:MainThread:65] Attempting to get the symmetric keys
    2024-01-31 06:22:40,765 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:run_domain_migration:MainThread:289]
    ============ Starting batch: 1 =============
    This operation will move all the hosts to the folders under vCenter aligning to the CSG domain names, doyou want this operation to proceed?(Yes/No): Yes
    2024-01-31 06:22:43,396 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__process_found_vcenter_records:MainThread:253] No. of vCenter records found: 1
    2024-01-31 06:22:43,396 INFO    [encryption_util:decrypt_data:MainThread:100] Decrypting information
    2024-01-31 06:22:43,543 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__move_host_into_folder:ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0:118] Moving hosts to folder cdc1-csg2 on vCenter
    2024-01-31 06:22:43,587 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__move_host_into_folder:ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1:118] Moving hosts, to folder cdc1-csg1 on vCenter
    2024-01-31 06:22:48,579 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__move_host_into_folder:ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0:126] Successfully moved 1 hosts to host folder cdc1-csg2 on vCenter
    2024-01-31 06:22:48,611 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__move_host_into_folder:ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1:126] Successfully moved 2 hosts to host folder cdc1-csg1 on vCenter
    2024-01-31 06:22:49,507 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__is_domain_task_complete:MainThread:150] Task completed on domain cdc1-csg2
    2024-01-31 06:22:52,508 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:__is_domain_task_complete:MainThread:150] Task completed on domain cdc1-csg1
    2024-01-31 06:22:52,513 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:run_domain_migration:MainThread:305] ==================================================
    2024-01-31 06:22:52,514 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:run_domain_migration:MainThread:289]
    ============ Starting batch: 2 ================
    2024-01-31 06:22:52,516 INFO      [host_to_domain_folder_sync:run_domain_migration:MainThread:295] No vCenter records could be found
    2024-01-31 06:22:52,516 INFO    [host_to_domain_folder_sync:run_domain_migration:MainThread:296] =================================
    admin [ /opt/vmware/tcf]$
    • This program reads data from the database, therefore execute it outside the activity window when the database is not heavily updated.

    • The program reports failed or invalid hosts that are not moved under correct CSG folder. Therefore, manually move such posts to correct vCenter host folder.

    • You can pass batch size to control the number of hosts processed in single batch and number of threads used by thread pool internally. Choose carefully these values to avoid any excessive memory or CPU usage.

    • The default batch size used is 50 hosts and default number of threads used by the thread pool is 4. To obtain the optimal performance, try to keep the value of batch size higher and number of threads lower (roughly equal to number of domains).

    • You must execute the following program from the tca-tcf-manager pod running on the CN setup.

    • The program also accepts vCenter domain name and CSG domain name used in ZTP to filter hosts.

    • VMware Telco Cloud Automation does not perform any operation on a pre-deployed domain.

    • DNS suffix and DNS server fields are removed from the Domain Settings section.

  7. Enter the required details.




    The name of the site.

    Select Host Profile

    Select the host profile from the drop-down list. The selected Host profile gets associated with each host in the cell site group.

    Parent Domain

    Select the parent domain from the list. The parent site manages all the sites within the cell site group.


    You can modify the service settings for each site. These configurations override the global configuration available in Global Configuration tab on Configuration page. For more details on service parameters, see Configure Global Settings.

  8. You can add new CSI categories or use the existing categories from the VMware VSphere server. You can also create tags corresponding to the CSI categories. To add the CSI Categories information, add the required information under Settings.
    • To configure the CSI Categories, enable the Override for the CSI Tagging under Settings, and Override Value.

    • Once added, you cannot edit or remove the CSI configuration.

    • For CSI zone tag, ensure that the name must contain {hostname}. For example, <text_identifier>-{hostname}.



    Use Existing

    Whether to use the existing categories set in the underlying the VMware VSphere server. Click the corresponding button to activate or deactivate the option.


    When using the Use Existing option, ensure that you provide the values for zone categories as set in the underlying VMware vSphere server.

    • When creating Zone category in VMware VSphere, choose Hosts and Clusters under Associable Object Types.


    The CSI category for the compute clusters or hosts.

    CSI Zone Tag

    The CSI tagging for the compute clusters or hosts.

  9. Add the Switch Configuration information. Click plus icon to add more switches and uplinks.




    The name of the switch.


    Select the network interface card (NIC) for the site under Uplinks.


    A site requires a minimum of two NICs to communicate. The NIC details should match the actual configuration across all ESXi servers. Single NIC is also supported but the host added with Single NIC must be deleted using the force delete option.

  10. Add the Networks information.
    • System defines the Management network for a cell site group. User can create custom VLAN based application networks. All cell sites in a cell site group connect with same management network.

    • For the application network type, you can enable the mac address learning for the port groups. To enable the mac address learning, enable the Mac Learning available under Networks.




    The name of the network.

    Segment Type

    Segment type of the network. Select the value from the list.

    Network Type

    The type of the network.


    The switch details that the sites use for network access.


    The VLAN ID for the network.

What to do next

Add Host to a Site.