This page tracks the naming patterns, limits, and restrictions for various user-provided and auto-generated objects across VMware Telco Cloud Automation.

Virtual Infrastructure

Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
vSphere Input 200 Any UTF character
vCloud Director Input


OpenStack Input


K8s Input


EKS Input


AKS Input


GKS Input



Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
Management Cluster Template Name Input 63 Any UTF character
Workload Cluster Template Name Input 63 Any UTF character
Management Cluster Name Input 35
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.'
  • start with an alphanumeric character
  • end with an alphanumeric character
Workload Custer Name Input 36
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.'
  • start with an alphanumeric character
  • end with an alphanumeric character
  • capi-in-cluster-system
  • capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system
  • capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
  • capi-system
  • capv-system
  • cert-manager
  • default
  • fluent-system
  • istio-system
  • kube-node-lease
  • kube-public
  • kube-system
  • secretgen-controller
  • metallb-system
  • postgres-operator-system
  • tanzu-package-repo-global
  • tanzu-system
  • tanzu-auth
  • tca-services
  • tca-mgrtca-system
  • tca-system
  • tkg-system
  • tkg-system-public
  • tkg-system-telemetry
  • tkr-system
  • vmware-system-antrea
  • vmware-system-csi
Workload Cluster Nodepool Name Input 41
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.'
  • start with an alphanumeric character
  • end with an alphanumeric character
Standard Worker Node Name on vSphere Output <nodepool>-random
Classy Worker Node Name on vSphere Output <workload-cluster>-<nodepool>-random
CaaS K8s Policy Name Input 255 Any UTF character

Network Functions/ Network Services

Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
NF/NS Catalog: Package Name Input 200 Any UTF character
NF/NS Instance Name Input 200 Any UTF character
NF/NS Workflow Name Input 255 Any UTF character
NF/NS Workflow
CNF Namespace Input 63 Must be valid RFC 1123 DNS labels
  • "kube-node-lease",
  • "kube-public",
  • "kube-system",
  • "tanzu-package-repo-global",
  • "tanzu-system",
  • "tca-system",
  • "tkg-system",
  • "tkg-system-public",
  • "vmware-system-csi",
  • "vmware-system-antrea"
CNF Helm Chart Name Input
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, '-'
  • start with an alphanumeric character
CNF Helm Release Name Output 23

TCA creates the helm release name using 3 parameters

  1. cnfInstanceId (random uuid created by TCA)
  2. helm chart name
  3. helm chart version

Release name is calculated as follows : first 11 characters from (chartName+ "-" + chartVersion) + "-" + first 5 characters from (cnfInstanceId) + "-" + 5 random alphanumeric characters.

Max length of release name created by TCA : 23 characters.


CNF K8s objects (pods, etc.) Output Not generated by TCA. Helm chart rules generate the CNF K8s object names. See also K8s object names
CNF K8s Policy Name Input 255 Any UTF character


Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
GitOps Configuration name Input 128 Any character
CNF name Input 63 Must be valid RFC 1123 DNS labels
CNF namespace Input 63 Must be valid RFC 1123 DNS labels
  • "kube-node-lease",
  • "kube-public",
  • "kube-system",
  • "tanzu-package-repo-global",
  • "tanzu-system",
  • "tca-system",
  • "tkg-system",
  • "tkg-system-public",
  • "vmware-system-csi",
  • "vmware-system-antrea"
DIP name Input 63 Must be valid RFC 1123 DNS labels


Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
Workflow Name Input 256 Contain only alphanumeric characters and '-'
Workflow Run Name (runid) Input 256 Contain only alphanumeric characters and '-'
Workflow Schema Name Input 256 Alphanumeric and should start with /
Workflow Schedule Name Input 256 Contain only alphanumeric characters and '-'


Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
RBAC Tag Name Input


Only alphanumeric, underscore,hyphen and dot are allowed

RBAC Tag Value Input


Only alphanumeric, underscore,hyphen and dot are allowed

Role Name Input


Any UTF character

Permission Name Input


Any UTF character

Tenant Name Input

Partner System

Sub-category In/Out Max Name Pattern Name Restrictions
Partner System Name Input 200 Any UTF character