The following table lists the key terms and concepts of muti-tenancy.

The following table describes the key terms and concepts of multi-tenancy.

Key Terms Description
Identity Provider (IDP) A system that manages the identity of users and their associated groups. VMware Telco Cloud Automation uses IDP to authenticate the users and determine their group membership. TCA supports the Active Directory and Platform Service Controller (PSC) of vCenter.
Access-controlled resource Any digital asset, data, operation, or functionality that is protected and regulated by an access-control mechanism. For example, a VIM, a network function instance, or an audit log entry.
Tenant A collection of resources and permissions based on which a single IDP can perform operations on visible resources. A unique set of permissions and privileges are allocated to each tenant. The resources may be exclusive to a specific tenant or shared among multiple tenants.
Share An administrative means to make a resource available for a tenant with a given scope.
Default tenant A dedicated tenant that hosts system admin and serves all requests in a non-multi-tenant setup.
Tenant admin permission Initial permission granted by the system administrator to the tenant administrator.
Permission escalation prevention A mechanism to prevent the user from granting more permissions than what is already possessed.