
In this document we discuss the support for Role Based Access Control in the context of Workflow Hub. The focus would be limited to the privileges that a user needs to have to access specific Workflow Hub Resources.

What's Not Supported

Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) is not supported in Workflow Hub.

Super Roles


Super roles are roles with elevated privileges. These roles can access resources and perform operations that can impact the product & the feature substantially. There are two main super roles in TCA

  • System Admin
  • Tenant Admin

System Admin

System Admin can access all the resources and perform all operations available in Workflow Hub.

Tenant Admin

A tenant admin can do everything a System Admin can w.r.t a single tenant. A tenant admin cannot change the tenant fairness parameter as that impacts the executions of other tenants as well.


Roles are collection of privileges that will allow the user to access specific resources. By default the following roles are created which have access to Workflow Hub resources.
Roles Privileges
Workflow Hub Designer The users assigned to this role can view, create and modify workflows and schemas on Workflow Hub. They can also execute workflows.
Workflow Hub Executor The users assigned to this role can view and execute workflows and schedules. They can also view workflow run statistics.


The following privileges are available in TCA to finely control the access to different resources by different users.

Privilege Name Access Type Resource
Workflow Hub Secret Manager Write CRUD Privileges For Secret Manager
Workflow Hub Workflow Run Read READ ONLY Workflow Runs
Workflow Hub Certificate Authority Read READ ONLY CAs
Workflow Hub Workflow Run Statistics Read READ ONLY Workflow Run Statistics
Workflow Hub Workflow Write CRUD Workflows
Workflow Hub Schedule Read READ ONLY Schedules
Workflow Hub Workflow Read READ ONLY Workflows
Workflow Hub Schedule Write CRUD Schedules
Workflow Hub Configuration Write Modify ONLY Workflow Hub Administration
Workflow Hub Openapi Schema Write CRUD Openapi Schemas
Workflow Hub Workflow Run Write Execute Workflow Runs.
Workflow Hub Configuration Read READ ONLY Workflow Hub Configuration
Workflow Hub Openapi Schema Read READ ONLY Openapi Schemas
Workflow Hub Secret Manager Read READ ONLY Secret Manager
Workflow Hub Certificate Authority Write CRUD CAs