This section describes how to upgrade the TCA Airgap appliance is deployed using OVA from VMware Telco Cloud Automation 3.0.0 release and beyond.


  • The target TCA Airgap Appliance must be of version VMware Telco Cloud Automation 3.0 or later.


  1. Download the upgrade bundle.
    1. Browse to

    2. Login using your Broadcom credentials.

    3. Ensure that you select the Software Defined Edge group from the drop-down on the top right.

    4. Browse to My Downloads > VMware Telco Cloud Automation.

    5. Expand the VMware Telco Cloud Automation row by clicking on it.

    6. Select the appropriate release number.

    7. Read through and agree to the Broadcom Terms and Conditions.

    8. Download the appropriate VMware Telco Cloud Automation Airgap Upgrade Bundle.

  2. Login to the TCA Airgap Appliance.

    Login to the target TCA Airgap Appliance using SSH admin account then switch to root with su to use agctl command.

  3. Transfer the upgrade bundle to the TCA Airgap appliance.

    Transfer the upgrade bundle file .iso into the /data folder of the target TCA Airgap appliance.


    If the bundle is located on some http server, use curl command to download it.

    cd /data
    curl -LO https://<url of the bundle> 

    If the bundle is located on some server with ssh enabled, use scp command to download it.

    cd /data
    scp <usrname>@<server>:<path to the bundle file> ./ 
  4. Take VM snapshot of the TCA Airgap Appliance in vCenter.

    Before performing the upgrade operation inside the TCA Airgap Appliance, take a snapshot on it in vCenter. In case any failure occurs during upgrade, the VM can be brought back to healthy status by reverting the snapshot.

    Peform the following steps to take VM snapshot:

    1. Login to vCenter.

    2. Find the TCA Airgap Appliance VM and click on it.

    3. On the right panel, click Snapshots tab.

    4. Click TAKE SNAPSHOT… button.

    5. In popup wizard, set a name in Name field and uncheck Include virtual machine’s memory checkbox, then click CREATE to take a snapshot.

  5. (Optional) Upgrade airgap scripts manually.
    This step is only required if the TCA Airgap Appliance is of version 3.0. Skip this step if the version is 3.1 and prior.
    1. Download upgrade scripts from jfrog.

    2. If no internet access, copy following code block and create a new script with name in /usr/local/airgap/scripts/bin/ folder on airgap appliance and paste the copied code block into new script and save the file.

      # Broadcom Confidential. Copyright (C) 2024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. 
      # The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. 
      root="$(dirname $(realpath $0))/../.." var_file=$root/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml 
      echo "Upgrading airgap scripts before start upgrade..." local_iso_path=$(yq e '.local_iso_path' $var_file) mount $local_iso_path /mnt/cdrom sleep 2 rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom/package-pool/airgap_scripts-* --nodeps --force mkdir -p /data/back_scripts mv -f /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml /usr/local/airgap/user-inputs.yml.merge cp -R /usr/local/airgap/scripts /usr/local/airgap/scripts.`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` cp -R /data/scripts /usr/local/airgap/ mv /usr/local/airgap/user-inputs.yml.merge /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/ cp /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml.merge sed -i '/^#/d' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml.merge yq eval-all 'select(fileIndex == 0) * select(filename == "/usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml.merge")' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml.merge /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml.merge > /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml t31_buildnum=$(yq e '.build_sync' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml.merge) t30_buildnum=$(yq e '.build_sync' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml) sed -i "s/$t30_buildnum/$t31_buildnum/g" /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml t31_release=$(yq e '.products[].versions' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/deploy-user-inputs.yml.merge) t30_release=$(yq e '.products[].versions' /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml) sed -i "s/$t30_release/$t31_release/g" /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml chown -R admin:users /usr/local/airgap mv /data/scripts /data/back_scripts/scripts.`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` umount /mnt/cdrom sleep 2 echo "airgap scripts upgrade done!"
    3. Upgrade scripts.

      bash /usr/local/airgap/scripts/bin/
  6. Prepare the parameters and trigger the upgrade.

    Edit /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml using the following command:

    vi /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml

    Provide the following parameters:


    ISO image of airgap appliance upgrade bundle path


    Whether to skip taking a snapshot before upgrading. By default, the value of this parameter is no. In the VMware Telco Cloud Automation 3.2 release, it is mandatory to skip snapshot, set the value to "yes".

    For example:

    local_iso_path: /data/<upgrade bundle name>.isoskip_snapshot: no

    Save then run agctl upgrade.

  7. Monitor the progress.

    You can check the logs under /usr/local/airgap/logs/.

    For more details, check system upgrade logs under folder /var/log/vmware/capengine/cap-update/workflow.log.