This section provides the steps to increase the disk size if the TCA Airgap Appliance is out of space.


  1. Increase Virtual Hard Disks size of the TCA Airgap appliance.

    Login to vCenter, navigate to the TCA Airgap Appliance VM, and launch the Edit settings wizard from Actions. Following disks are displayed.

    Hard Disks

    Default Size

    Device Name Physical Volume Name

    Logical Volume Name

    Mount Path


    Hard disk 1


    /dev/sda/dev/sda4/dev/mapper/VGSYS-LV_ROOT Mounted to/


    Hard disk 2


    /dev/sdb/dev/sdb/dev/mapper/VGDATA-LV_DATA Mounted to /data

    Stores container images.

    Hard disk 3





    Mounted to /photon-reps

    Photon packages and some internal data states

    Hard disk 4





    Mounted to /docker

    Docker files and docker images.

    Hard disk 5





    Used for swap

    Hard disk 6





    Mounted to /storage/alt_root

    Alternative root partition, used for upgrading.The size MUST be the same as Root Partition.

    Hard disk 7





    Mounted to /storage/lvm_snapshot

    Snapshot partition, used for upgrading.

    It is required to be at least 10% total size of Disk 1 to Disk 4.

    15% is recommended.

    Identify the disk that is out of space and specify a new size.

    If the size of Disk 1 (Root Partition) is increased, Disk 6 must be increased to the same size as well.

    If the size of any disk in Disk 1 to Disk 4 is increased, Disk 7’s size must be increased by at least 10 percent of the added value.

    For example, to expand the root partition from 80G to 100G, you need to set Disk 1 to 100G, Disk 6 to 100G, and increase Disk 7 by at least 2G.

    Remember resized disks, click OK.

  2. Resize the disk inside the TCA Airgap Appliance.

    SSH login airgap appliance console with admin account then switch to root with su command.

    For all the disks with the increased size, find the device name, physical volume name, and logical volume name from the table in Step 1, or run the following commands for double checks:

    fdisk -l
    df -h

    Run the following command for each disk to resize the physical volume:

    echo 1 > /sys/class/block/<device name>/device/rescan
    pvresize /dev/<physical volume name>

    One special case is for Disk 1 which has 4 partitions, only partition 4 is used for the root logical volume, resize the partition is required for Disk 1 resizing:

    echo 1 > /sys/class/block/sda/device/rescan
    parted /dev/sda resizepart 4
    pvresize /dev/sda4

    Run the following command for each disk to resize the logical volume:

    lvextend -l +100%FREE <logical volume name>
    resize2fs <logical volume name> 

    Verify the size is up to date by running the following command:

    df -h

    For example, to expand the root partition from 80G to 100G, three disks are needed to update:


    Device Name

    Physical Volume Name

    Logical Volume Name

    Mount Path

    Size Change

    Disk 1


    /dev/sda4partition 4




    Disk 6






    Disk 7





    267G -> 269G