This section describes the procedures to reset admin and root passwords.

Resetting Admin Password

  1. Open the Airgap Appliance web console from the vSphere UI.

    Login to vSphere web UI, navigate to the Airgap Appliance and click the LAUNCH WEB CONSOLE button in the Summary Panel.

  2. Login console with admin account.

    If you forget the password of the admin account, move to Step 3.

    After login in, type command passwd. It will request you to input the current password and a new password.

  3. Login to the console with root account.

    If you forget the root account password, follow the steps in mentioned in the

    Resetting a Lost Root Password and reset the lost root password.

    After login root account, set a new password for admin account using the passwd admin command .

Resetting Root Password

Login to the console with root account.

If you forget the root account password, follow the steps in mentioned in the Resetting a Lost Root Password and reset the lost root password.

After login to the root account, you can set a new password for root account using the passwdcommand.

Resetting Harbor Admin Password

  1. Login to harbor from web browser.

    On web browser, navigate to https://<the Airgap Appliance address> and login with admin account and password. If you forget the admin password, go to Step 3.

  2. Modify the admin password in the Harbor web UI.

    Click admin user on the top right and then click Change Password.

    Click OK after typing the current password and new password.

  3. Login console with root account.

    Login to the console using vSphere web UI with root account, or SSH to the Airgap Appliance address with admin account then switch to root account using the su command.

  4. Reinstall Harbor

    Ensure that the existing user-inputs.yml is as expected.

    cat /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml

    Quit and then run agctl deploy command. You will be prompted to enter a new password of Harbor.

  5. Perform the Step 1 to login to Harbor web browser to verify the new password.