To assist the creation of the input file for a TCA deployment topology, migration tool provides a CLI to generate the input file template with discovered appliances. This will also contain the required template schema and associated TCA appliance information.

The CLI usage is shown as follows. By default, the output is emitted into '/migrationVolume/topology-output-{{tca-manager-endpoint}}.json'. Dots (.) and colons (:) are replaced with underscore (_) in 'tca-manager-endpoint'. For example, for VM IP:, file is topology-output-1_2_3_4.json. If needed, you can specify -o <output-file> with or without path.

Generate template CLI Help:

$ tcamigctl generate-template -h
usage: tcamigctl generate-template [-h] [-i] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [input_file]
Generates topology template that contains TCA Manager and TCA Control Plane details

positional arguments:  
    input_file            input file containing TCA Manager details. Must be specified if not in interactive mode 

-h, --help                  show this help message and exit  
-i, --interactive-mode      
                            run in interactive mode. If input_file is  
                            specified in this mode, it will be ignored  
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE                        
                            output file of generated topology in JSON 
                            format. If specified, the topology is stored in  
                            this file. Default: '/migrationVolume/topology-
                            output-{{tca-manager-endpoint}}.json'. Dots (.)                
                            and colons (:) are replaced with underscore (_) 
                            in 'tca-manager-endpoint'. E.g. for VM IP: 
                  , file is 'topology-output-1_2_3_4.json'

To simplify input file generation, you can generate topology in an interactive manner by adding

-i in the CLI.

$ tcamigctl generate-template -i                                        
# Output file placed in /migrationVolume/topology-output-1_2_3_4.json
$ tcamigctl generate-template -i -o /migrationVolume/tca-market-east.json

The interactive CLI will guide you to provide the value for each required input with instructions. You can exit the interactive mode at any point of time, and can edit the output file later either manually or using the edit-template CLI as described in the Edit Topology Template section.


The CLI will ask you to enter a passphrase for password encryption. Use a passphrase that is never stored anywhere. Ensure that you remember the passphrase, else you may need to redo the operation of password encryption. The Passphrase needs to adhere to stricter password policy. Migration tool will throw an error, if the passphrase does not meet these guidelines.

  • Minimum 8 characters

  • Minimum 1 upper case

  • Minimum 1 lower case

  • Minimum 1 digit

  • Minimum 1 special character