TCA Airgap Appliance supports mirroring all the artifacts data from another existing TCA Airgap appliance.


  • The source TCA Airgap appliance port 443 and Port 8043 are active and the target TCA Airgap Appliance can connect to the source.

  • The target TCA Airgap appliance is configured with a different FQDN and IP address from the source TCA Airgap appliance.


  1. Login to the target TCA Airgap appliance using SSH admin account then switch to root with suto use agctl command.
  2. Prepare the Root CA certificate or self-signed certificate file.

    If the source TCA Airgap Appliance is configured with self-signed certificate, or the root CA certificate is not generated by known public CA, copy the root CA or self-signed certificate file to the target TCA Airgap Appliance.

    For example, name, copy the content and place it at the following location: /usr/local/airgap/certs/remote_registry_001_ca.crt

    Verify the CA file by running the following command:

    openssl s_client -connect <source TCA Airgap Appliance FQDN>:443 -CAfile /usr/local/airgap/certs/remote_registry_001_ca.crt

    If the source TCA Airgap Appliance is configured with a public CA signed certificate, or its root CA certificate is the same one as the target source certificate, create the file with empty content by using the following command:

    touch /usr/local/airgap/certs/remote_registry_001_ca.crt
  3. Prepare the parameters and trigger the mirroring.

    Edit /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml by using the following command:

    vi /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml

    Provide the following parameters:

    • remote_server_fqdn

      The source TCA Airgap Appliance FQDN the artifacts data synchronized from.

    • user_name

      The source TCA Airgap Appliance harbor service administrator account user name, default value is admin.

    • secret

      The source TCA Airgap Appliance harbor service administrator account password.

    • remote_server_cert_file

      Root CA certificate or self-signed certificate to verify the source TCA Airgap Appliance’s server certificate.

    • endpoint_name

      A unique name to identify the source TCA Airgap Appliance registry. This name must be changed for each rsync operation.

    • reg_des

      The description of the source TCA Airgap Appliance registry.

    • policy_name

      A unique policy name. This name must be changed for each rsync operation.

    • policy_des

      The description of the policy.

    • cron

      The syntax of each line expects a cron expression made of five fields which represent the time to execute. For example, 0 */30 * * * * means synchronizing the harbor images every 30 minutes.


    # 6. Options for remote sync 
    # Information about remote harbor registry 
    # FQDN of remote server 
    # remote harbor username
    username: admin 
    # remote harbor secret
    secret: Harbor12345 
    # remote harbor CA certificate. If remote CA not exists, create an empty cert file.
    remote_server_cert_file: /usr/local/airgap/certs/remote_registry_001_ca.crt 
    # user defined endpoint name 
    endpoint_name: remote_registry_001  
    # Description about remote registry 
    reg_des: remote harbor registry as source 
    # Description about replication policy 
    policy_des: new policy for replication 
    # new policy name
    policy_name: policy1 
    # replication schedule, by default sync on every 30 minscron: 0 */30 * * * *

    Save then run agctl rsync command.

  4. Monitor the progress.

    Run agctl status command to check the progress.

    Check the logs under /usr/local/airgap/logs/.

  5. Verify if the artifact data is successfully mirrored.

    At the end of /usr/local/airgap/logs/ansible_rsync_*.log, it shows failed=0 then the operation is succeeded.

    Verify that a new registry and a policy were created in the target TCA Airgap Appliance harbor UI, along with successful replication.

  6. Clear the password.

    Remove the secret field from the user-input.yml after the synchronization succeeded for security.


    When the rsync operation is failed, you can retry, but need to edit the user-inputs again by providing a new unique value of endpoint_name and policy_name.

    You need to manually clean up the unused replication from harbor UI for the failed rsync operations.