Import operation extracts the tar.gz bundle generated by export operation and saves the artifacts to the local harbor and file system.


  • Artifacts data bundle generated by export operation must be integrated.

  • The /photon-reps and /data directories must have minimum double the size of the artifacts data bundle tar ball.


  1. Login to the TCA Airgap Appliance using SSH admin account then switch to root with su to use agctlcommand.
  2. Transfer the artifacts data bundle.

    Transfer the exported bundle, .tar.gz file, into the /photon-reps folder of the target TCA Airgap Appliance.


    If the bundle is located on some http server, use the curl command to download it.

    cd /photon-reps
    curl -LO https://<url of the bundle> 

    If the bundle is located on some server with ssh enabled, use the scp command to download it.

    cd /photon-reps
    scp <usrname>@<server>:<path to the bundle file> ./ 
  3. (Optional) Prepare user-inputs.yml for importing RAN BOM bundle.

    This step is only needed for importing RAN BOM bundle.

    Edit /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml using the following command:

    vi /usr/local/airgap/scripts/vars/user-inputs.yml

    Set ram_bom_images to True.

    # 8. Option for sync ran bom image 
     # Since TCA 3.0 release support adhoc exports and imports of RAN BOM images. 
     # Enable this to true for RAN BOM import to airgap harbor.
    ran_bom_images: True

    Save and quit.

  4. Trigger the import operation by running the agctl import command.
  5. Monitor the progress by running agctl status to check the progress.

    Check the logs under /usr/local/airgap/logs/.