On the installer system navigate to the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool folder. Run the uninstall command to power off and delete the deployed virtual machines. The command provides options to uninstall either the complete footprint (all VMs) or one (or more) VMs specificed by name.


The uninstall command uses the deploy.settings file to access the vCenter and delete the deployed VMs using the VM names. Ensure the deploy.settings file has the SAME parameter values that were used when the VMs were deployed.

Before uninstallation, the command checks if the VM exists, and only powers off the VM, and then deletes it from the VCenter inventory. Progress is displayed on the terminal. If a VM cannot be deleted, the command will alert the user.

  1. To get help on the command:

    $ ./uninstall option


    option = -h OR --help

  2. To uninstall ALL the VMs, the names of the VMs to be deleted are obtained from the deploy.settings file.

    $ ./uninstall option


    option = -a OR --all

  3. To uninstall one or more VMs:

    $ ./uninstall vm1_name vm2_name ....

  4. Force option — To avoid the confirmation prompts before deletion of VMs, use the force option -for --force. This flag can appear either before or after the other arguments as shown in the following arguments:

    $ ./uninstall -f -a

    $ ./uninstall --all --force

    $ ./uninstall --force vm1 vm2

    $ ./uninstall vm1 vm2 vm3 -f

    and so forth.

Known Issues:

Redeploying the VMware Telco Cloud Operations cluster with the same static IP addresses

It may be necessary to redeploy the entire cluster while testing or learning about its capabilities. If you use the same static IP addresses when redeploying, you should run the $ ssh-keygen -R control_plane_node_ip_address command to remove the previous control plane node key from your known_hosts file and then begin the deployment procedure. Otherwise, you will see a security warning about a possible man-in-the-middle attack because you now have a new key from the control plane node for the same IP address.