The following is an example of what a deployment looks like.

$ ./deploy-cluster -no-ui
#                                                          #
#                                                          #
#              VMware Telco Cloud Operations               #
#                      Deploy Tool                         #
#                         1.0.1                            #
#                                                          #
#                                                          #
# Copyright © 2020 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.       #
# This product is protected by copyright and intellectual  #
# property laws in the United States and other countries   #
# as well as by international treaties. VMware products    #
# are covered by one or more patents listed at             #
#                        #
--- Check Requirements ---
Checking for required commands...
ovftool 4.3.0 found
curl 7.29.0 found
jq 1.6 found
govc 0.23.0 found
--- Input Validation ---
Validating input parameters ...
Validation complete.
Saving deployment details in file deployed.vms
--- Staging Control Plane Node OVA ---
OVA /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Control-Plane-Node-1.0.1-4.ova already present on staging server
--- Staging Worker OVA ---
OVA /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Worker-1.0.1-4.ova already present on staging server
-- vCenter Login --
Logging in to vCenter
Logged in to vCenter
--- VM Deployment Begins ---
Beginning deployment of VMs ...
--- Deploy Control Plane Node VM ---
Deploying the control plane node VM to:
  vCenter :
  Datacenter : TCO-DC
  Cluster : TCO-Cluster
  Node name : control-plane-node
  VM name : cpn-2
  Datastore : 197-datastore
  Port Group : VM Network
  Static IP :  (DHCP if no static ip provided)
  vCPU : 2
  RAM : 8192
  Disk : 100
Opening OVA source: /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Control-Plane-Node-1.0.1-4.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Transfer Completed                   
Completed successfully
Powering on cpn-2
Fetching ID for cpn-2 ...
cpn-2 ID is : vm-281
cpn-2 powered on.
--- Control Plane Node VM Details ---
Fetching ID for cpn-2 ...
cpn-2 ID is : vm-281
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
Fetching IP address for cpn-2 with ID vm-281 ...
cpn-2 IP address is :
Control plane node VM details:
Node Name: control-plane-node
VM Name: cpn-2
VM ID: vm-281
>>Saving: control-plane-node,
--- Deploy Worker VM ---
Deploying worker VM to:
  Cluster : TCO-Cluster
  VM name : elastic-2
  Node name : elasticworker
  Datastore : 96-datastore
  Static IP :  (DHCP if no static ip provided)
  vCPU : 3
  RAM : 24576
  Disk : 1024
Opening OVA source: /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Worker-1.0.1-4.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Transfer Completed                   
Completed successfully
Resizing elastic-2 data disk to 1024 GB
Powering on elastic-2
Fetching ID for elastic-2 ...
elastic-2 ID is : vm-282
elastic-2 powered on.
--- Node VM Details ---
Fetching ID for elastic-2 ...
elastic-2 ID is : vm-282
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
Fetching IP address for elastic-2 with ID vm-282 ...
elastic-2 IP address is :
Worker Node VM details:
Node Name: elasticworker
VM Name: elastic-2
VM ID: vm-282
>>Saving: elasticworker,
--- Deploy Worker VM ---
Deploying worker VM to:
  Cluster : TCO-Cluster
  VM name : arango-2
  Node name : arangoworker
  Datastore : 162-datastore
  Static IP :  (DHCP if no static ip provided)
  vCPU : 4
  RAM : 24576
  Disk : 100
Opening OVA source: /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Worker-1.0.1-4.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Transfer Completed                   
Completed successfully
Powering on arango-2
Fetching ID for arango-2 ...
arango-2 ID is : vm-283
arango-2 powered on.
--- Node VM Details ---
Fetching ID for arango-2 ...
arango-2 ID is : vm-283
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
Fetching IP address for arango-2 with ID vm-283 ...
arango-2 IP address is :
Worker Node VM details:
Node Name: arangoworker
VM Name: arango-2
VM ID: vm-283
>>Saving: arangoworker,
--- Deploy Worker VM ---
Deploying worker VM to:
  Cluster : TCO-Cluster
  VM name : kafka-2
  Node name : kafkaworker
  Datastore : 2-datastore
  Static IP :  (DHCP if no static ip provided)
  vCPU : 4
  RAM : 24576
  Disk : 100
Opening OVA source: /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Worker-1.0.1-4.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Transfer Completed                   
Completed successfully
Powering on kafka-2
Fetching ID for kafka-2 ...
kafka-2 ID is : vm-284
kafka-2 powered on.
--- Node VM Details ---
Fetching ID for kafka-2 ...
kafka-2 ID is : vm-284
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
Fetching IP address for kafka-2 with ID vm-284 ...
kafka-2 IP address is :
Worker Node VM details:
Node Name: kafkaworker
VM Name: kafka-2
VM ID: vm-284
>>Saving: kafkaworker,
--- Deploy Worker VM ---
Deploying worker VM to:
  Cluster : TCO-Cluster
  VM name : dm-2
  Node name : domainmanagers
  Datastore : 222-datastore
  Static IP :  (DHCP if no static ip provided)
  vCPU : 3
  RAM : 28672
  Disk : 100
Opening OVA source: /home/worker/deploy/VMware-TCOps-Worker-1.0.1-4.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%[email protected]:443/TCO-DC/host/TCO-Cluster/Resources/
Transfer Completed                   
Completed successfully
Powering on dm-2
Fetching ID for dm-2 ...
dm-2 ID is : vm-285
dm-2 powered on.
--- Node VM Details ---
Fetching ID for dm-2 ...
dm-2 ID is : vm-285
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
Fetching IP address for dm-2 with ID vm-285 ...
dm-2 IP address is :
Worker Node VM details:
Node Name: domainmanagers
VM Name: dm-2
VM ID: vm-285
>>Saving: domainmanagers,
--- VM Deployment Complete ---
All VMs have been deployed.
--- Deployment of Cluster and Services ---
Beginning deployment of cluster and services ....
--- Details ---
Footprint         : 2.5k
control plane node:
arangoworker      :
elasticworker     :
kafkaworker       :
domainmanagers    :
Starting deployment on Control Plane Node VM :
--- Waiting for Control Plane Node ---
Waiting for Control Plane Node to be deployed (can take several minutes).
Checking if control-plane-node (VM Name: cpn-2) [] is accessible ...
Control Plans Node status: NotReady
Control Plans Node status: NotReady
Control Plans Node status: NotReady
Control Plans Node status: NotReady
Control Plans Node status: Ready
--- Waiting for Worker nodes  ---
Waiting for Worker nodes to be deployed (can take several minutes) ...
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Node elasticworker status: NotReady
Node domainmanagers status: NotReady
Node arangoworker status: Ready
Node kafkaworker status: Ready
Node elasticworker status: Ready
Node domainmanagers status: Ready
--- Cluster Node Status ---
NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
arangoworker                               Ready    <none>   26s   v1.17.3+vmware.2
domainmanagers                             Ready    <none>   29s   v1.17.3+vmware.2
elasticworker                              Ready    <none>   29s   v1.17.3+vmware.2
kafkaworker                                Ready    <none>   29s   v1.17.3+vmware.2   Ready    master   12m   v1.17.3+vmware.2
--- Service Status ---
Waiting for all services to start (may take up to 10 minutes) .......................................................................................................
All services have started.
--- Deployment Complete ---
Next Steps:
  1. Login to the Administration UI at to configure authentication.
      username : clusteradmin
      password : ADMIN_PASSWORD value in deploy.settings
  2. Please refer to the Telco Cloud Operations documentation for further details.
[worker@butler-worker deploy-tool]$