Users and Permissions

The user deploying must:
  • Be familiar with vCenter, deployment of OVAs, and basic networking
  • Have access to the vCenter, and ESXi(s) to which VMware Telco Cloud Operations will be deployed
  • Be able to download OVA files and deploy to vCenter cluster or host resources
  • Be able to determine and define storage placement for OVAs
  • Be able to define and deploy network connectivity between deployed virtual machines
  • Be able to enter OVF Parameters at deploy time
  • Have the required permissions to deploy OVAs on the target ESXi(s) and start when deployed

Obtain the following information and make note:

Category Setting Comment
Security Administrator user password The desired password for the VMware Telco Cloud Operations VM administrative user. The username for this user is clusteradmin
Administrator user public key

Path to an SSH public key file. This can be used to support secure, password-less login to the VM, as the administrative user. Generally this file will be called or (optional).

When using the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool, this is required.

Root user password The desired password for the VMware Telco Cloud Operations VM root user.
Root user public key

Path to an SSH public key file. This can be used to support secure, password-less login to the VM, as the root user. Generally this file will be called or (optional).

If choosing without-password below, this is required.

Root SSH access policy

The desired SSH access policy for the root user; possible values are:

  • yes, meaning that the root user is allowed to SSH to the VM
  • no, meaning that the root user is not allowed to SSH to the VM
  • without-password, meaning that the root user can only SSH to the VM using an SSH key, not password
Hosting Target host for each virtual machine Either the name of the vCenter cluster to which the VMware Telco Cloud Operations VMs will be deployed, or the ESXi host to which each VM will be deployed. As mentioned in theVMware Telco Cloud Operations System Requirements , creating a cluster is strongly recommended.
Role for each virtual machine

Each virtual machine in the VMware Telco Cloud Operations cluster must have one of the following roles. Roles have been described in VMware Telco Cloud Operations System Requirements.

  • control-plane-node
  • elasticworker
  • kafkaworker
  • arangoworker
  • domainmanagers
Storage Data store for each virtual machine The datastore to be used to store the virtual disks for each deployed VMware Telco Cloud Operations virtual machine.
Networking IP assignment mechanism (static or DHCP)

VMware Telco Cloud Operations supports DHCP or static IP address assignment. It is strongly recommended that static IP address assignment be used.

In the case of DHCP, the following network settings do not need to be provided since they will be assigned by the DHCP server.

Static IP address for each node Required if static IP address assignment is used. For each node, identify the IP address to be assigned to it. Must be in CIDR format.
Default gateway Required if static IP address assignment is used. Specifies the default gateway for the virtual machines.
DNS server IP address(es) Required if static IP address assignment is used. Comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses of DNS servers to be used by the VMs.
DNS search domain Required if static IP address assignment is used. Comma-separated list of DNS search domains to be used by the VMs.
NTP server address (Optional.) The IP address of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.