This section assists you with the information on custom configuration from Server Manager side. Configure Orchestrator credentials through GUI To configure Smarts Server Manager to communicate with Orchestartor, specify the Orchestartor administrator credentials and the IP address of the Orchestartor host. Configuring Orchestrator credentials through clientConnect.conf file You need to specify the Orchestrator credentials in the clientConnect.conf file located in the Server Manager installation directory. Configuring Edge Kafka/Edge Kafka Cluster and Telco Cloud Operator Data Collector You need to specify the Edge Kafka/Edge Kafka Cluster and Telco Cloud Operator Data Collector credentials in the clientConnect.conf file and specify the Orchestrator, Edge Kafka/ Edge Kafka Cluster and Telco Cloud Operator Data Collector details in esm-param.conf file located in the Server Manager installation directory. Configuring vIMS Clearwater details through clientConnect.conf file You need to specify the vIMS (Clearwater) details in the clientConnect.conf file located in the Server Manager installation directory. How to Update the Orchestrator Credentials for the Server Manager Configuration Deleting an Orchestrator HostYou can delete orchestrator Host and its components. vIMS Discovery using Cloudify as OrchestratorThis sections provides information on how to discover vIMS using Cloudify as Orchestrator. Parent topic: vIMS