This section describes the procedure of updating device access settings for Viptela in IP Availability and Performance Manager.
To update Viptela in IP Availability and Performance Manager:
- Click Device Access tab at the bottom of the Polling and Threshholds application window.
- Right click Viptela SDWAN Access Group group.
- Copy Viptela SDWAN Access Group group, and give a new group name
- Change the priority of the new group name, so that, it appears at the top of the default Viptela SDWAN Access Group.
- Click New Group Name.
- Click Matching Criteria tab.
- Select any matching criteria, so that, the setting is associated with the Viptela vManagehost.
Set the matching criteria for the first Viptela vManage host. The SNMPAddress is the most preferred criteria considering its uniqueness.
Example: SNMPAddress - <vManage-IP>
Note: Even though
SNMPAddress is used for matching criteria but SNMP is not used to either discover or monitor, it is an existing attribute which has been used.
- Expand Viptela SDWAN Access > Settings.
- Click Viptela SDWAN Access Access Setting.
- Select AccessProtocol. Default is HTTPS.
- In DataCollectorAddress, enter Hostname/IPAddress of the machine where DCF is installed. Default IP is <control plane node IP>.
- In KafkaBusAddress, enter comma-separated Kafka Cluster Hostname/IPAddress and Port. Default IP is <domainmanager worker node IP>, and deafult port is 9092.
- In LoginID and Password, enter Viptela vManage. Default username is "admin", and password is "changeme".
- Confirm the password for Viptela vManage device.
- In PortNumber, enter the Viptela vManage Port number. Default port is 443.
- Click Apply.
- Click Reconfigure to complete the applied settings on the server.