The automated installation requires VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool. The Deploy Tool must be installed on a separate installer system (host). The installer system also has specific dependencies.


The automated deployment uses the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool, and needs the same hardware, software, networking, storage, and additional requirements as the manual deployment.

Additional Requirements

  1. Installer system (Linux host)
    • CentOS (version 7)
    • Hard disk — capacity to stage both OVAs (at least 13 GB)
    • Network connectivity to vCenter
    • Ability to download dependencies from the Internet
  2. VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool
    • Obtain this file: VMware-TCOps-Deploy-Tool-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz
    • Verify the file has the same version and build_id as the OVAs
  3. OVFTool (version 4.3.0) — The VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool uses OVFTool internally
  4. jq (version 1.5 or 1.6)
  5. cURL (version 7.29.0 or 7.38.0)
  6. govc (version 0.23.0)
Overview of Steps for Automated Deployment:
  1. Install the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool on an installer system.
  2. Install the dependencies on the installer system (OVFTool, jq, cURL, govc).
  3. Create public key for SSH access.
  4. Configure the deployment.settings file.
  5. Launch the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Deploy Tool.