Following are the mapping properties name for VMware Telco Cloud Operations MnR Gateway.

MnR Property Name VMware Telco Cloud Operations Bucket VMware Telco Cloud Operations MnR Property Name Description Mandatory Comments Examples
device properties deviceName Name of the device on which metrics are collected on itself or its associated entity. Yes NA NA
devtype properties deviceType Type of the device on which metrics are collected on itself or its associated entity. Yes NA Router, Hypervisor
part properties entityName Name of the entity where metrics are collected. Yes Mandatory if metrics are collected on entity that is related to device. NA
part type properties entityType Type of entity on which metrics are collected. Yes Mandatory if metrics are collected on entity that is related to device. Port, Interface
spname properties dataSource Unique identifier (Solution pack name) for Source of data. Yes NA NA
source properties instance Source and Instance from where metrics are being collected. No NA NA
customer tags customer Customer to which the entity is associated with. No If Available, must be mapped, used in customer-centric reports. NA
hostname tags hostname Hostname of the entity. No Applicable only for certain entity types, if applicable must be mapped. Hypervisor, VirtualMachine
UDF tags model Model of the device on which metrics are collected. No If Available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags version Software and Hardware version of the device on which metrics are collected. No If Available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags region Region where the entity is located or belongs to. No If Available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags deviceCoordinates Latitude and Longitude text boxes for the entity. No Used in GeoMaps. If available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags city City where the entity is located. No Used in GeoMaps. If available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags address Physical address where the entity is located. No If Available must be mapped. NA
UDF tags zip Zip code of address where the entity is located. No If Available must be mapped. NA