The following VMware Collector metrics data is collected from the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Gateway Collector.

Source/Device Type Metric Name Description
VirtualMachine - Disk ReadThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes read from the disk per second.
WriteRequests Indicates the number of write requests.
ReadRequests Indicates the number of read requests.
Throughput Provides information on notifications processed, notified, cleared, and changed within a specified time interval.
WriteThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes written to disk per second.
VirtualMachine - FileSystem FreeCapacity Indicates the amount of free space on file system.
Capacity Indicates the size of file system.
UsedCapacity Indicates the amount of used space on file system.
VirtualMachine - File Capacity Indicates the size of file.
UsedCapacity Indicates the amount of used space on file.
PresentedCapacity Indicates the capacity of file system presented to hosts by storage system.
VirtualMachine - Virtual Disk WriteLatency Indicates the component's average time to serve write requests.
ReadRequests Indicates the number of read requests.
ReadLatency Indicates the component's average time to serve read requests.
WriteThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes written to disk per second.
PresentedCapacity Indicates the capacity of file system presented to hosts by storage system.
WriteRequests Indicates the number of write requests.
Capacity Indicates the size of the disk.
ReadThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes read from the disk per second.
Hypervisor Availability Indicates the availability status of the metrics model.
VirtualMachine - Processor CurrentUtilization Indicates the processor current use in percentage.
Ready Indicates the processor ready time in milliseconds.
UsageMHz Indicates the processor usage in megahertz.
Hypervisor - Disk WriteRequests Indicates the number of write requests.
QueueLatency Indicates the queue latency of disk in milliseconds.
ReadLatency Indicates the component's average time to serve read requests.
Latency Indicates latency of the disk in milliseconds.
Capacity Indicates the size of the disk.
WriteThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes written to the disk per second.
ReadThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes read from the disk per second.
WriteLatency Indicates the latency of write operations in milliseconds.
ReadRequests Indicates the latency of read operations in milliseconds.
Availability Indicates the availability status of the disk.
Datastore FreeCapacity Indicates the amount of free space on datastore.
Uncommitted Indicates storage space, used by the virtual machine on this datastore.
Capacity Indicates the size of the datastore.
VirtualMachine Uptime Indicates uptime of the VirtualMachine.
Availability Indicates the availability status of the virtual machine.
CurrentSnapshot Indicates the current snapshot of the virtual machine.
RemoveMeZero Indicated null values.
TotalDisk Indicates the total disk space.
Hypervisor - Multipath Availability Indicates the availability status of the metrics model.
Hypervisor - PortGroup Reachability Indicates the reachability status of the metrics model.
Hypervisor - Port Availability Indicates the availability status of the port.
ReadLatency Indicates the component's average time to serve read requests.
WriteThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes written to disk per second.
ReadThroughput Indicates the average number of bytes read from the disk per second.
WriteLatency Indicates the component's average time to serve write requests.
IORead Indicates number of Reads per second.
IOWrite Indicates numbers of Writes per second.
Hypervisor - VirtualSwitch Availability Indicates the availability status of the virtual switch.
Hypervisor - VirtualNic Availability Indicates the availability status of the virtual network interface controller.
VirtualMachine - Interface Throughput Provides information on notifications processed, notified, cleared, and changed within a specified time interval.
Received Indicates total number of inputs received from interfaces.
Transmitted Indicates total number of inputs transmitted from interfaces
Availability Indicates the availability status of the interface.
VirtualMachine - Datastore UsedCapacity Indicates the amount of used space on datastore.
Hypervisor - Processor UsageMHz Indicates the processor usage in megahertz.
ProcessorSize Indicates the size of the processor.
CurrentUtilization Indicates the processor current use in percentage.
Hypervisor - Datastore Availability Indicates the availability status of the datastore.
Hypervisor - Memory CurrentUtilization Indicates the memory current use in percentage.
SwapOut Indicates memory swap out throughput.
Active Indicates active memory size.
Shared Indicates shared memory size.
Granted Indicates granted memory size.
TotalMemory Indicates total memory size.
SwapIn Indicates memory swap in throughput.
SwapUsed Indicates swap used size.
Balloon Indicates balloon memory size.
SharedCommon Indicates shared common memory size.
VirtualMachine - Memory CurrentUtilization Indicates current use of the memory.
TotalMemory Indicates total memory size.
Overhead Indicates overhead memory.
Balloon Indicates balloon memory size.
Consumed Indicates consumed memory.
Active Indicates active memory size.
SwapOut Indicates memory swap out throughput.
SwapIn Indicates memory swap in throughput.
Hypervisor - DiskPath Reachability Indicates the reachability status of the DiskPath.
Availability Indicates the availability status of the DiskPath.
Hypervisor - Interface Throughput Provides information on notifications processed, notified, cleared, and changed within a specified time interval.
Received Indicates total number of inputs received from interfaces.
Transmitted Indicates total number of inputs transmitted from interfaces
Availability Indicates the availability status of the interface.
DistributedVirtualSwitch Availability Indicates the availability status of the distributed virtual switch.
DistributedVirtualSwitch - DVPortGroup Availability Indicates the availability status of the DVPortGroup.
Note: For mapping from the external model to the internal VMware Telco Cloud Operations model, see the Gateway Mapper in VMware Telco Cloud Operations User Guide.